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My new vase - June Gillies?

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My new vase - June Gillies? Empty My new vase - June Gillies?

Post  mumof1 Fri 27 Mar - 15:38

My new vase - June Gillies? Dsc05210
Here is the wonderful vase I found yesterday. I paid quite a bit for it, I did try to ignore it, but I just couldn't.
My new vase - June Gillies? Dsc05211
It is obviously a little different on each side (the cup has just sneaked into the photo to show the size)
My new vase - June Gillies? Dsc05212
This is the mark, which I think is June Gillies. Anyone agree?

Last edited by mumof1 on Fri 27 Mar - 15:40; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : can think quicker than I can type lol)

Number of posts : 2372
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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My new vase - June Gillies? Empty Re: My new vase - June Gillies?

Post  Ev Fri 27 Mar - 17:38

I agree with you Sunny Very Happy sunny

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Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
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Registration date : 2008-08-28

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My new vase - June Gillies? Empty Re: My new vase - June Gillies?

Post  Cat-a-lat Fri 27 Mar - 19:32

I saw a pot with this mark the other day, but condition was not good, though a striking piece as I recall, I did take photos, will see if I can load them later.

My new vase - June Gillies? Cam01510

terrible photos, sorry!

My new vase - June Gillies? Cam01610

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Registration date : 2012-02-15

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My new vase - June Gillies? Empty Re: My new vase - June Gillies?

Post  mumof1 Fri 27 Mar - 19:48

SNAP !! sunny

Number of posts : 2372
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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