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Base Marks on CL made at Luke Adams
NEW ZEALAND POTTERY :: Crown Lynn :: Crown Lynn Shapes with Four Digits 1964 to 1989 :: Crown Lynn Shapes made at Luke Adams
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Base Marks on CL made at Luke Adams
Here is the range of marks seen on the bases of my Crown Lynn mugs (and other shapes) made at the Luke Adams Pottery. All the photographed items are in the Basal 124 glaze.
I believe Titian used a glaze or glazes similar to Basalt so if any of the photographs I've taken are not actually from Luke Adams the mark may give a clue.
I have two 1645 individual casseroles in Basalt-like glazes which I understand were made at Titian. One has a large impressed number with dots before and after, the other a raised number with dot after.
I have set the marks out as three groups in each direction as indicated in the key (below), but just to be confusing I have placed the Hillis mug in a spot for which I have no items with the predicted mark.
A. nothing or just a number
1. no mark
2. number with single dot after
3. number with no dot [no items found with this mark]
B. "NEW ZEALAND" marks
1. NEW ZEALAND at top, no number
2. NEW ZEALAND at bottom, number at top with single dot after
3. NEW ZEALAND at bottom, number at top with no dot
1. MADE IN NEW ZEALAND at bottom, no number [no items found with this mark]
2. MADE IN NEW ZEALAND at bottom, number at top with single dot after
3. MADE IN NEW ZEALAND at bottom, number at top with no dot
D. Special marks: Hillis mug
Please excuse the poor mark at C2: it is the only piece I have with this mark.
I will at some stage add all the numbers for the pieces in my collection beside the appropriate key number.
I have no suggestions as to why there are so many different marks.
I know some shapes made simultaneously or later at Titian have different marks from those made at Luke Adams. Also, it could be that the same shape from Luke Adams may have more than one type of mark.
Other glazes than the Basalt or Lucow 147 may have been used at Luke Adams but at this stage I cannot say what. A comparison with marks from items with different glazes may be helpful in working that out.
Maybe one day we'll see all the marks for CL made at Titian too.
I believe Titian used a glaze or glazes similar to Basalt so if any of the photographs I've taken are not actually from Luke Adams the mark may give a clue.
I have two 1645 individual casseroles in Basalt-like glazes which I understand were made at Titian. One has a large impressed number with dots before and after, the other a raised number with dot after.
I have set the marks out as three groups in each direction as indicated in the key (below), but just to be confusing I have placed the Hillis mug in a spot for which I have no items with the predicted mark.
A. nothing or just a number
1. no mark
2. number with single dot after
3. number with no dot [no items found with this mark]
B. "NEW ZEALAND" marks
1. NEW ZEALAND at top, no number
2. NEW ZEALAND at bottom, number at top with single dot after
3. NEW ZEALAND at bottom, number at top with no dot
1. MADE IN NEW ZEALAND at bottom, no number [no items found with this mark]
2. MADE IN NEW ZEALAND at bottom, number at top with single dot after
3. MADE IN NEW ZEALAND at bottom, number at top with no dot
D. Special marks: Hillis mug
Please excuse the poor mark at C2: it is the only piece I have with this mark.
I will at some stage add all the numbers for the pieces in my collection beside the appropriate key number.
I have no suggestions as to why there are so many different marks.
I know some shapes made simultaneously or later at Titian have different marks from those made at Luke Adams. Also, it could be that the same shape from Luke Adams may have more than one type of mark.
Other glazes than the Basalt or Lucow 147 may have been used at Luke Adams but at this stage I cannot say what. A comparison with marks from items with different glazes may be helpful in working that out.
Maybe one day we'll see all the marks for CL made at Titian too.
Jeremy Ashford- Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11
NEW ZEALAND POTTERY :: Crown Lynn :: Crown Lynn Shapes with Four Digits 1964 to 1989 :: Crown Lynn Shapes made at Luke Adams
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