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Where does this 149 candlestick comes from?

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Where does this 149 candlestick comes from? Empty Where does this 149 candlestick comes from?

Post  mumof1 Sat 8 Aug - 15:57

Any ideas on this candlestick, numbered 149?

Number of posts : 2372
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Where does this 149 candlestick comes from? Empty Re: Where does this 149 candlestick comes from?

Post  Ev Sat 8 Aug - 17:06

I've seen that before and think that someone sent a photo of it to me.  It doesn't look like Crown Lynn in any way to my eyes, do you agree?  We don't have any record of shape 149 unfortunately. No idea who would have made it, but perhaps an English pottery is responsible ... ?

Number of posts : 17941
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Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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