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Gorgeous little jug gives me the willies!! EmptyToday at 16:57 by Ev

» Andrew Smith ~ Mount Rochford Pottery, Denniston
Gorgeous little jug gives me the willies!! EmptyToday at 13:32 by mumof1

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Gorgeous little jug gives me the willies!! EmptyMon 20 Jan - 16:06 by Ev

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Gorgeous little jug gives me the willies!! EmptyMon 20 Jan - 9:45 by Russellk

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Gorgeous little jug gives me the willies!! EmptyFri 17 Jan - 10:41 by mumof1

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Gorgeous little jug gives me the willies!! EmptyThu 16 Jan - 17:01 by Melita

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Gorgeous little jug gives me the willies!! EmptyThu 16 Jan - 16:55 by Cyd

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Gorgeous little jug gives me the willies!! EmptyThu 16 Jan - 9:20 by Melita

» Glenwyn Brown [d213? or d265?]
Gorgeous little jug gives me the willies!! EmptyMon 13 Jan - 18:23 by Ev

Gorgeous little jug gives me the willies!!

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Gorgeous little jug gives me the willies!! Empty Gorgeous little jug gives me the willies!!

Post  Ev Sat 15 Aug - 18:55

It has the number 775 on the base and I know that shape number so well !!!
This is what I see everywhere as shape 775 courtesy of TonyK
Gorgeous little jug gives me the willies!! 77510

Now check out this little gorgeousness ... which looks like the 806 shape but smaller, but it has the number 775 on it!

Gorgeous little jug gives me the willies!! It_say10

Gorgeous little jug gives me the willies!! It_say11

Number of posts : 18053
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Gorgeous little jug gives me the willies!! Empty Re: Gorgeous little jug gives me the willies!!

Post  Ev Mon 30 Oct - 19:31

Adding this jug to the Gallery after all of this time, as this one keeps coming up.
It appears to be a change of shape just like the 776 Sugar.

Number of posts : 18053
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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