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Kelston green line plate is Warwick d016

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Kelston green line plate is Warwick d016 Empty Kelston green line plate is Warwick d016

Post  mumof1 Thu 27 Aug - 16:25

Kelston green line plate is Warwick d016 Dsc08019
Found this cool luncheon plate today, has a single green line, and gold edge. I can't find a pattern name for it.
Kelston green line plate is Warwick d016 Dsc08020
Only has the Kelston stamp.

Number of posts : 2374
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Kelston green line plate is Warwick d016 Empty Re: Kelston green line plate is Warwick d016

Post  JanPots Thu 27 Aug - 19:52

I've seen "DB Ltd" that has the gold edge and green line but the additional "DB logo " and of course vitrified (I think.)
Thats the nearest I can see to that pattern Very Happy

Number of posts : 2158
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Kelston green line plate is Warwick d016 Empty Re: Kelston green line plate is Warwick d016

Post  mumof1 Thu 27 Aug - 20:47

That was my thought too Janice, but alas no DB logo and not vitrified. Lovely plate though.

Number of posts : 2374
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Kelston green line plate is Warwick d016 Empty Re: Kelston green line plate is Warwick d016

Post  JanPots Fri 28 Aug - 8:53

I love the older style stuff - anything older & up to the mid 60's and 3 digits - trying to cap/limit my collecting ( who am I kidding) ! Razz

Number of posts : 2158
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Kelston green line plate is Warwick d016 Empty warwick ?

Post  JanPots Sun 6 Sep - 11:49


Number of posts : 2158
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Kelston green line plate is Warwick d016 Empty Re: Kelston green line plate is Warwick d016

Post  mumof1 Sun 6 Sep - 12:56

You could be right Janice, unless the gold is a factor. Some plates have a very fine and precise gold line on the edge, and others a rather splotchy sort of covering (as in the demitasse cups & saucers). This has the fine line, and the cup looks more like the speckled one, but if that doesn't matter, then it could well be.

Number of posts : 2374
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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