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» Temuka Alpine Mist
John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana EmptyToday at 19:27 by Ev

» Michelle McKinstry /Michelle Bow
John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana EmptyToday at 7:14 by JanPots

» Willow d697 and Willow Pattern 140
John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana EmptyToday at 6:30 by Ev

» Noel Snelgrove Blue Gum Pottery Kerikeri NZ
John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana EmptyYesterday at 19:31 by JanPots

» Westcoast Stoneware Raglan
John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana EmptyYesterday at 11:13 by Ev

» Tricia Hansen
John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana EmptyYesterday at 11:03 by Ev

» James Lemon
John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana EmptyYesterday at 10:09 by Ev

» A Louise Thompson-Parker
John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana EmptyYesterday at 9:59 by Ev

» The 36th Coromandel Christmas Exhibition
John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana EmptyYesterday at 7:01 by Ev

John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana

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John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana Empty John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana

Post  Ev Sun 6 Sep - 16:18

John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana No_nam11 Chelsea Brown
John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana Charma10 Charmaine
John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana Cottag10 Cottage Pink
John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana No_nam12 Montana d068
John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana Kimber10 Kimberly
John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana Rivers10 Riverside Pink
John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana No_nam13 No name Stag Hunt
John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana Violet10 Violetta Blue
John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana Windso10 Windsor
Many thanks John Very Happy

Last edited by Ev on Wed 3 Jun - 20:01; edited 8 times in total

Number of posts : 18018
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana Empty Re: John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana

Post  Marl474 Thu 3 Feb - 21:52

Hi there, I don't know whether you have names for the no name ones yet but the brown flowers one is "Chelsea Brown" D247 and the flowers, like "Windsor" Is "Montana" D 068. cheers, new member marl who doesn't really know what she is doing yet!

Number of posts : 675
Location : Te Atatu Peninsula
Registration date : 2011-02-01

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John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana Empty Re: John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana

Post  Ev Thu 3 Feb - 22:04

Fantastic Marl Very Happy
Thank you so much as we have quite a few patterns without names.

Number of posts : 18018
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana Empty Montana Pattern

Post  Kat & Co. Thu 23 Jan - 15:58

Montana with a Brown ring & no name.. is it another name? cat 
John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana Floral12
Kat & Co.
Kat & Co.

Number of posts : 2321
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03

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John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana Empty Re: John's latest contribution to the Tableware Gallery , Charmaine, Cottage Pink, Kimberly, Riverside Pink, No Name Stag Hunt, violetta Blue, Windsor, Chelsea Brown, Montana

Post  JanPots Thu 23 Jan - 16:35

Hiya.. I am picking , yes ! - I have no records of that pattern to help figure out what it is called. I will pop it in the "No-Names" until someone can help name it  Smile 

Number of posts : 2161
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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