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Is this Len Castles pottery mark? No it isn't. EmptyYesterday at 10:16 by Jen

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Is this Len Castles pottery mark? No it isn't. EmptyTue 17 Sep - 16:08 by Ev

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Is this Len Castles pottery mark? No it isn't. EmptyTue 17 Sep - 15:25 by JanPots

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Is this Len Castles pottery mark? No it isn't. EmptyTue 17 Sep - 10:11 by Ev

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Is this Len Castles pottery mark? No it isn't. EmptyTue 17 Sep - 10:05 by Ev

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Is this Len Castles pottery mark? No it isn't. EmptySun 15 Sep - 21:58 by Raewynsullivan_1

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Is this Len Castles pottery mark? No it isn't. EmptySun 15 Sep - 12:07 by Ev

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Is this Len Castles pottery mark? No it isn't. EmptySun 15 Sep - 10:43 by Ev

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Is this Len Castles pottery mark? No it isn't. EmptySun 15 Sep - 7:37 by Ev

Is this Len Castles pottery mark? No it isn't.

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Is this Len Castles pottery mark? No it isn't. Empty Is this Len Castles pottery mark? No it isn't.

Post  Sarah789 Fri 18 Sep - 18:08

HI sorry I dont know how to upload photos to display, but hoping someone can tell me who's pottery mark this is, I've owned a Len Castle bowl before that had the same rough texture as this plate shown, but unsure if this one is his work, thanks


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2013-07-16

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Is this Len Castles pottery mark? No it isn't. Empty Re: Is this Len Castles pottery mark? No it isn't.

Post  Ev Fri 18 Sep - 18:18

Hi Sarah, I saw your question on Trademe, but didn't want to disappoint you.
Len Castle was a perfectionist and I don't see his touch on this piece. The mark is inconclusive, but the work tells me that it was made by someone other than Len Castle. Sorry.

Number of posts : 17923
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Is this Len Castles pottery mark? No it isn't. Empty Re: Is this Len Castles pottery mark? No it isn't.

Post  Sarah789 Fri 18 Sep - 18:27

Ev wrote:Hi Sarah,  I saw your question on Trademe, but didn't want to disappoint you.
Len Castle was a perfectionist and I don't see his touch on this piece.  The mark is inconclusive, but the work tells me that it was made by someone other than Len Castle.  Sorry.

all good, thankyou for taking the time to reply, I originally bought to sit a plant on it and like my real Len Castle I bought a while back I bought that so I could just chuck my keys coins etc in it, but researching found it was Len Castle so no keys were ever just chucked in it, but this I guess can have a plant on it, thankyou and have a good weekend


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2013-07-16

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