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For gallery temuka  Empty For gallery temuka

Post  Maryr Thu 8 Oct - 11:49

A couple of lovely platters. I bought the fruit pattern for my kitchen - couldn't resist it. Both are 26 cm across. Unknown patterns. Both with the embossed mark on the base. And a perky yellow jug. From memory 10-12 cm high.  
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Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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For gallery temuka  Empty Re: For gallery temuka

Post  Thelma Fri 9 Oct - 8:04

Hi, I am pretty sure the square fruit plate is Fruitopia. The other one I am not sure but it might be one of their experimental designs. I was at the Temuka shop on our way south the other day and had a chat to the owner, who is heading in the right direction with a new range I love so far. I think it will be called From Mountains to Sea range and the glazes I have seen are really lovely. There are some new shapes in the plan too! I bought a salad bowl in a lovely brown/blue glaze that I will post here sometime, but a bit busy for the next few days.

Number of posts : 490
Location : Canterbury, NZ
Registration date : 2010-04-23

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