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Stage Artware for gallery

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Stage Artware for gallery Empty Stage Artware for gallery

Post  haselnuss Mon 19 Oct - 12:46

Small tea pot and sugar pot.Stage Artware for gallery Dscn5519
The pink vase is bigger and has a different shape.Stage Artware for gallery Dscn5520
Stage Artware for gallery Dscn5521
Stage Artware for gallery Dscn5522
These two came together in the charity shop. I don't know if they are supposed to be.
Stage Artware for gallery Dscn5523
The plate is stamped Stage Artware on the base.Stage Artware for gallery Dscn5524
The cup is also stamped on the base.
Stage Artware for gallery Dscn5525

Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2012-09-12

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Stage Artware for gallery Empty Re: Stage Artware for gallery

Post  Maryr Mon 19 Oct - 13:27

Wow I am so happy to see all this coloured stuff by various makers.

Number of posts : 1994
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Stage Artware for gallery Empty Re: Stage Artware for gallery

Post  haselnuss Mon 19 Oct - 15:08

I have been collecting colorful pottery for a few years now. Mainly when I could get them in charity shops for under $1, vases for a bit more. Just lately prices have gone up heaps though.

I still have some others, mainly cups, from NZ makers that look cool. Once Hubby has some more time I will ask him to take the pictures.

Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2012-09-12

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