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Is this tulip cup with 3 green lines a new pattern? EmptyToday at 15:06 by Hilary Browning

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Is this tulip cup with 3 green lines a new pattern? EmptyToday at 12:07 by Myhaylos

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Is this tulip cup with 3 green lines a new pattern? EmptyYesterday at 7:33 by Ev

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Is this tulip cup with 3 green lines a new pattern? EmptyWed 2 Oct - 22:46 by Snail

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Is this tulip cup with 3 green lines a new pattern? EmptyWed 2 Oct - 8:15 by Ev

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Is this tulip cup with 3 green lines a new pattern? EmptyTue 1 Oct - 23:13 by Ballear

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Is this tulip cup with 3 green lines a new pattern? EmptyTue 1 Oct - 7:47 by Ev

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Is this tulip cup with 3 green lines a new pattern? EmptyMon 30 Sep - 10:34 by Ev

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Is this tulip cup with 3 green lines a new pattern? EmptySun 29 Sep - 19:10 by Ev

Is this tulip cup with 3 green lines a new pattern?

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Is this tulip cup with 3 green lines a new pattern? Empty Is this tulip cup with 3 green lines a new pattern?

Post  mumof1 Tue 27 Oct - 14:22

Is this tulip cup with 3 green lines a new pattern? Dsc08413
I was given this cup by the family of a dear friend when he passed, as I had mentioned I hadn't seen one with this stripe configuration before. Would this be a pattern in it's own right do you think? At first I thought DB Ltd, but that only has one stripe.
Is this tulip cup with 3 green lines a new pattern? Dsc08414

Number of posts : 2372
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Is this tulip cup with 3 green lines a new pattern? Empty 2 green lines saucer

Post  Kat & Co. Fri 31 Jul - 12:15

2 handpainted dark green lines on this old saucer. Theres green lines on super virified but this saucer is earthenware, so I am putting it in this thread with this cup above . cat

Is this tulip cup with 3 green lines a new pattern? 11610510
Is this tulip cup with 3 green lines a new pattern? 10667210
Kat & Co.
Kat & Co.

Number of posts : 2321
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03

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Is this tulip cup with 3 green lines a new pattern? Empty Re: Is this tulip cup with 3 green lines a new pattern?

Post  Ev Fri 31 Jul - 15:29

These are made in different eras Kat.

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