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Paul Hartigan for gallery

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Paul Hartigan for gallery Empty Paul Hartigan for gallery

Post  Maryr Mon 16 Nov - 10:11

On Saturday I had the good fortune to see Paul Hartigan talking about his work. He is an odd man out as he uses commercial dinnerware and adds his own decals.  He is primarily an artist, not a potter.  But the effect is interesting and collectable.  He designed the decals and got someone else to create transfers which would work with ceramics. Paul then applied the decals and fired them.  Some of the examples below were never sold on the open market; they show the range of tattoo decals he designed. All slightly nutty but interesting!
He did a 'tattoo' series and an 'erotica' series, all on commercial dinnerware purchased in bulk. Consequently his work often includes a commercial backstamp as well as his mark.  The erotica series is quite racy - Ev if you feel the need to delete the pic then go for it.
Paul Hartigan for gallery 20_har10Paul Hartigan for gallery 20_har11Paul Hartigan for gallery 20_har12Paul Hartigan for gallery 20_har13Paul Hartigan for gallery 20_har14
He used quite a few different marks. Often his name is next to one of the decorative decals rather than on the base. The gold ware is called "borneo" - photo was taken in low light.
Paul Hartigan for gallery 20_har15Paul Hartigan for gallery 20_har16Paul Hartigan for gallery 20_har17

Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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