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Colourful lamp NZ made but who made it? EmptyYesterday at 7:31 by Ev

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Colourful lamp NZ made but who made it? EmptyTue 8 Oct - 16:52 by Ev

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Colourful lamp NZ made but who made it? EmptyTue 8 Oct - 7:14 by Ev

Colourful lamp NZ made but who made it?

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Colourful lamp NZ made but who made it? Empty Colourful lamp NZ made but who made it?

Post  haselnuss Sun 13 Dec - 20:52

I am certain the lamp base is NZ made but who made it? Stage Artware comes to mind or Bob Steiner. Does anyone know for sure?
Colourful lamp NZ made but who made it? Dscn7320

Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2012-09-12

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Colourful lamp NZ made but who made it? Empty Re: Colourful lamp NZ made but who made it?

Post  Ev Mon 14 Dec - 7:29

This is bothering me as I feel that I've seen this design before, but I can't come up with the maker's name. The roses are so familiar!

Number of posts : 17951
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Colourful lamp NZ made but who made it? Empty Re: Colourful lamp NZ made but who made it?

Post  haselnuss Mon 14 Dec - 10:43

I feel exactly the same. I have compared colourful NZ Pottery on the net and got even more confused. Petra Pottery came to mind at some stage too.

Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2012-09-12

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Colourful lamp NZ made but who made it? Empty Re: Colourful lamp NZ made but who made it?

Post  Maryr Tue 15 Dec - 8:11

I doubt if this is Steiner or Petra, just not professional and stylish enough. I have a couple of mug/cups by Terra which have a similar (but not the same) style blobby decoration.  I will add a link when I get to my desktop. The black felt dots I have seen before ... On vases?  Or it could be someone totally different, a sort of step up from hobby.  I think there were quite  a few people doing small runs in garages and basements.
Later - here is the link to my colourful Terra cups.

Number of posts : 1994
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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