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My Crown Lynn garage sale

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My Crown Lynn garage sale Empty My Crown Lynn garage sale

Post  Maryr Tue 15 Dec - 17:26

Last weekend I had a big garage sale - getting rid of some of my bits and pieces that I no longer need. I am keeping the items that I photographed for my books but I do have rather a lot of other stuff! And I need to make room for the expanding 'not Crown Lynn' section of my NZ ceramics collection.
Anyway - what a lovely experience and I am now $900 better off. I had a 'friends and family' day before the actual event, so people who I knew would appreciate certain things would have first dibs. That's how Jeremy and Kat found the 'splash' four-digit mug that I had ignored for years.
THEN on Sunday I had my actual sale. It wasn't as well attended as I had expected, but I still had a steady stream all day. The nicest moment was when two young women came in who were born AFTER Crown Lynn closed. They loved my honey glaze mugs (at $5 each) and spent a total of $100 on mugs and plates and this and that. Their appreciation was heart-warming.
Everyone had pretty clear ideas of what they were looking for, and to my knowledge only one person went away disgruntled - I think he was looking for the legendary $10 Carpay platter, and surprise surprise there wasn't one.

I will do a second cull over the summer and have another sale in the early autumn. It's not that hard work and it is good to see little bundles of stuff going off to a new home.


Number of posts : 1993
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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My Crown Lynn garage sale Empty Re: My Crown Lynn garage sale

Post  Ev Tue 15 Dec - 19:39

A great story and you must have heaps of room now, so you can get heaps more pottery ahahaaaa

Number of posts : 17919
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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My Crown Lynn garage sale Empty Re: My Crown Lynn garage sale

Post  Thelma Tue 15 Dec - 20:57

Let me know when you have your next garage sale! Smile ( I should probably have one of my own!!!) Came home with a couple of items today from the op shop though, a CL plate with embossed edge that has the NZ CWI logo and anniversary dates. Also a lidded bowl with Cindy Ceramics made in NZ on the bottom.

Number of posts : 490
Location : Canterbury, NZ
Registration date : 2010-04-23

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