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vase - Who made this Bonnet Wall Vase?  Spartan did. EmptyYesterday at 21:19 by darianzam

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vase - Who made this Bonnet Wall Vase?  Spartan did. EmptySun 16 Jun - 17:04 by Ev

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vase - Who made this Bonnet Wall Vase?  Spartan did. EmptySat 15 Jun - 16:51 by Ev

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vase - Who made this Bonnet Wall Vase?  Spartan did. EmptySat 15 Jun - 12:39 by Ev

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vase - Who made this Bonnet Wall Vase?  Spartan did. EmptySat 15 Jun - 10:29 by Johnnyz

Who made this Bonnet Wall Vase? Spartan did.

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vase - Who made this Bonnet Wall Vase?  Spartan did. Empty Who made this Bonnet Wall Vase? Spartan did.

Post  Ev Thu 7 Apr - 16:28

As this is in the Salisbury range of products, I feel sure that this was made in NZ.
I would just like to work out who made it and where it fits into the pottery story.
It is very light for it's size.
The 16/3 in pencil on the base could well have been the price ....?
It once had some different coloured paints on it, but there isn't much left now.
I feel so honoured to have found one at last !!
Hon-john sent one to the site years ago thinking it was Crown Lynn, but I don't think it is.
Any ideas would be most appreciated Smile

vase - Who made this Bonnet Wall Vase?  Spartan did. Dscf2818

vase - Who made this Bonnet Wall Vase?  Spartan did. Dscf2819

vase - Who made this Bonnet Wall Vase?  Spartan did. Dscf2820

Last edited by Ev on Mon 20 Nov - 15:56; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 17810
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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vase - Who made this Bonnet Wall Vase?  Spartan did. Empty Re: Who made this Bonnet Wall Vase? Spartan did.

Post  oakpot Thu 7 Apr - 20:53

This Bonnet Wall Vase was a manufacted blank by Crown Lynn.
Decorated and sold by Royal Oak Pottery, pre 1956 (Artist Ted Hart)

vase - Who made this Bonnet Wall Vase?  Spartan did. 20160410


Number of posts : 108
Registration date : 2016-03-20

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vase - Who made this Bonnet Wall Vase?  Spartan did. Empty Re: Who made this Bonnet Wall Vase? Spartan did.

Post  Ev Fri 8 Apr - 6:22

Thank you so much oakpot !!
Your example is so pristine and looks like new and I will add it to the Salisbury Ware Gallery crediting you for the photo.

I have read in Gail Henry's book that Salisbury purchased blanks from Jova Rancich, Ambrico, Spartan Products, Titian and Crown Lynn.
Did any others supply blanks?  For example Wally Silva?
I have a small vase with a Flambeau sticker on it.  It looks like enamels of different colours have been poured over it and the shape reminds me of Wall Silva's work.
Here is a link to some of these pieces ..

Thank you again.

Number of posts : 17810
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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vase - Who made this Bonnet Wall Vase?  Spartan did. Empty Re: Who made this Bonnet Wall Vase? Spartan did.

Post  Ev Thu 23 Apr - 11:06

Oakpot, is there any chance that this hat wall vase could have been made by Sherwood?
The base matches the wide scallop shell wall vase that Sherwood made.
Many thanks.

Number of posts : 17810
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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vase - Who made this Bonnet Wall Vase?  Spartan did. Empty Re: Who made this Bonnet Wall Vase? Spartan did.

Post  Ev Thu 13 Jul - 19:00

This Bonnet Wall Vase was made by Spartan
and decorated by Salisbury/Royal Oak.

Number of posts : 17810
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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