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For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another  EmptyYesterday at 6:53 by Ev

» Titian on the base of this Urn Style Vase that was made by Crown Lynn
For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another  EmptyFri 6 Dec - 12:31 by Ev

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For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another  EmptySun 1 Dec - 19:11 by Ev

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For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another  EmptySat 30 Nov - 11:03 by Ev

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For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another

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For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another  Empty For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another

Post  Maryr Thu 14 Apr - 11:16

I saw one of these for sale and didn't buy it because I thought it was too expensive at $25... never seen another! I am not sure which island this hotel is on.
For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another  Cl_fla11For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another  Cl_fla10
And this was a thank-you plate to foremen. 1978, looks to be Forma shape.
For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another  Plate_10

Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another  Empty Re: For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another

Post  Ev Thu 14 Apr - 12:55

Woooo HOooooo!!!!
I think it will be the Flagship Beachcomber Hotel in Fiji

We have two entries in the Database for Beachcomber:
Beachcomber 607
Beachcomber Vit 612

That is a splendid design and we have to work out which pattern the plate is.
Janice can you help?????

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another  Empty Crown Lynn Flagship Beachcomber Hotel plate

Post  chris.hall Sat 24 Sep - 15:25

Hello - I have one of these plates which my father collected in the 80's I think, I would be interested to know its istory and what it was worth, I also have a "with the compliments off crown lynn" ball point pen
holder and was wondering if that was rare or not

For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another  20160910


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2016-09-24

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For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another  Empty Re: For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another

Post  Dale Ritter Sat 24 Sep - 15:46

Fantastic plate. Known as a service plate they would be on the table when the guests sat down and remove as the first course was served.

I was Export manager at the time and put the deal together. Was a very difficult plate to produce as the purple was quite sensitive to the thickness of glaze being spot on. Also was difficult to get the Nautilus shell centered.

Wish I could find mine

Dale Ritter

Number of posts : 37
Registration date : 2015-07-06

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For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another  Empty Re: For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another

Post  chris.hall Sat 24 Sep - 15:52

Thanks for the reply, thats very interesting - you may have known my father Adrian Hall he was a buyer for woolworths in the 70's I think crown lynn was one of his accounts


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2016-09-24

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For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another  Empty Re: For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another

Post  Dale Ritter Sat 24 Sep - 16:08

Hi Chris, the NZ market was handled by Don Matthews and Geoff Agnew but its possible I met your father as there was often a social gathering during visits of important buyers.

I don't remember the year the the pen holder was made. It was a thank you gift. Mark Cleverly was well know for type face design and did the design which was produced in house. Think it was a colour from Carousel for the slip glaze rim.

Dale Ritter

Number of posts : 37
Registration date : 2015-07-06

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For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another  Empty Re: For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another

Post  Ev Sat 24 Sep - 16:38

Hi chris.hall and welcome to the site.

The Beachcomber plate is very hard to find so this will make it quite collectable.  The one above and the one from Val Monk's book are the only ones that I've seen, though I don't know how much it would fetch. 
The Ball Point penpot was first made in 1964 and is seen more often so wouldn't be worth a lot at this time.

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another  Empty Beachcomber Plate

Post  Jenni Sun 1 Oct - 14:03

Hello, I have one of these from my father inlaw who was the warehouse manager, my father was also the office manager for may years.


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Registration date : 2023-10-01

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For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another  Empty Re: For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another

Post  Ev Sun 1 Oct - 14:26

Wow that is very lucky for you cheers
A real treasure and a great piece of Crown Lynn history pirat

What else do you have from your Father-In-Laws time at Crown Lynn?
We have some amazing things turn up on here Very Happy

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another  Empty Re: For gallery Flagship Beachcomber plate CL and another

Post  Maryr Sun 1 Oct - 14:31

Hi Jenni. I am Val Monk. Your plate is very rare and special. If you decide to sell, you would be best to put it on an auction site eg TradeMe, or sell it via an auction house. What these rarities are 'worth' is entirely dependent on what someone feels like paying on the day, so I won't attempt to suggest a valuation. But do think twice if someone makes an offer or asks for a buy now price.

Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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