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Alepha Omega Yato monogram on 700 cup

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Alepha Omega Yato monogram on 700 cup Empty Alepha Omega Yato monogram on 700 cup

Post  Jeremy Ashford Wed 27 Apr - 16:36

Alepha Omega Yato on a 700 cup

I rarely turn down a cheap 700 cup but this one was soooo grotty. Apart from the black beside the monogram which I'm not going to force, it has cleaned up quite nicely, and I will pass it on to Jim for his monograms collection. This example is from the 1960s as it has impressed New Zealand but still has the 1950s size.
Alepha Omega Yato monogram on 700 cup Yato10
"Alepha Omega Yato"

I don't know what it means, who it represents.
I have googled the magic words and all I get is a Japanese cartoon ("Yato").

I cleaned up the area around the monogram digitally for the top right photo.
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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