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How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? EmptyMon 13 Jan - 18:23 by Ev

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How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? EmptyMon 13 Jan - 17:38 by Ev

» Elegance d454
How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? EmptyMon 13 Jan - 0:16 by jamiehatchard

» Lorna Ingham Whangaparaoa
How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? EmptyWed 8 Jan - 12:43 by Ev

» David Tasker
How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? EmptyWed 8 Jan - 12:28 by Ev

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How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? EmptyWed 8 Jan - 12:20 by Ev

» Karen Norris Queenstown & Val Bryant for gallery
How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? EmptyWed 8 Jan - 12:00 by Ev

» Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace
How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? EmptyMon 6 Jan - 19:34 by Ev

» Capistrano Patt No 969 Lynndale Ware New Zealand
How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? EmptyMon 6 Jan - 18:41 by freddagg

How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in?

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How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Empty How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in?

Post  Roodkapje Mon 30 May - 0:39

I like the unglazed reddish clay of this design and I love the story of the Browns digging it all up and creating an enormous hole at the back of the property in Firth Street, Drury, where Orzel Industries was located.

Most of my pieces are in varying shades of green - the darker the better as far as I'm concerned. The spice jars live on my kitchen window sill and I do use them, though what's inside doesn't necessarily match the label on the front.How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Dsc03214[/url]

The glaze on one of these sugar pots is a bit of a disaster and is kind of a 'fresh cowpat browny-green' (as my husband once described my eyes Laughing). A 500gm margarine pot fits perfectly inside.

How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Dsc03215[/url]

Unfortunately only the smallest of my three jugs has a clear 'stamp', but at $5 for the lot I'm not complaining.

How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Dsc03217[/url]

I don't know quite what to call this colour. Is it a bluish-purple, or a purply-grey? Whatever it's called I like it. The sugar bowl has a rather strange lid and it is definitely more blue than the other pieces

How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Dsc03219[/url]
How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Dsc03220[/url]
How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Dsc03218[/url]

How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Dsc03221[/url]  How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Dsc03216[/url]

I have seen a couple of pieces in the gallery which have a brownish glaze. The little spice pots are still my favourites at the moment.

Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2016-05-29

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How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Empty Re: How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in?

Post  Ev Mon 30 May - 7:17

Wow, I've never seen the blue glaze on any Settlers Collection pieces before!
That sugar pot with a most unexpected lid will go into the Orzel Gallery and will represent the blue glaze as well. Thanks Roodkapje I will credit you for the photo.

Number of posts : 18046
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Empty Re: How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in?

Post  Kat & Co. Mon 30 May - 9:30

:loveit: havn't seen blue before!
Kat & Co.
Kat & Co.

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How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Empty Settlers Collection salt pig?

Post  Roodkapje Wed 15 Jun - 22:30

Does this salt pig belong here? No sign at all of it ever having been marked with the Settlers Collection stamp. The shape looks like one of the Orzel pigs in the gallery. The green glaze is quite bright but fits in with the range of greens I have seen. The little dome on top is quite distinctive.
Height to lower edge of the mouth 50mm; widest point of mouth 110mm.

How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Dsc03310

Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2016-05-29

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How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Empty Re: How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in?

Post  Ev Thu 16 Jun - 8:08

It certainly looks like a match to me, as I don't know of any other pottery that used that bright green glaze. I had a quick look in the Orzel Gallery, but couldn't see this shape, so if you could add a link to it I would be grateful. Thanks Ev.

Number of posts : 18046
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Empty Re: How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in?

Post  Roodkapje Thu 16 Jun - 9:05

Hi Ev this is the saltpig I was referring to - I was looking at a printed copy of the Orzel gallery and now that I look at it properly on the site, the only similarity is the higher and deeper mouth. I recall seeing somewhere (on the forum?) a list of the items made for the Settlers Collection and my vague memory is that it included a salt pig. I'm still not very good at re-finding what I have previously looked at. Sad

Last edited by Ev on Thu 16 Jun - 9:17; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : corrected Titian to Orzel)

Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2016-05-29

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How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Empty Re: How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in?

Post  Ev Thu 16 Jun - 9:20

I will ask Jeremy to take a look as it does look very familiar to me and I need to know if it should go into the Orzel Gallery.

Number of posts : 18046
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Empty Re: How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in?

Post  Jeremy Ashford Thu 16 Jun - 10:56

I have not spent a great deal of time looking at Settlers Collection but in my travels I have encountered other terracotta work with a similar green glaze. My recollection is that the non-Orzel had a darker glaze.

Likewise, salt pigs are not my thing. Mike67 might be helpful here as a salt pig aficionado.

A quick look through all the Titian and Orzel galleriesdoes not turn up anything else with matching knob. Then again, the sugar has a unique knob so that may mean nothing.

And in passing I did notice some of the terracotta and blue after the initial posting: looks great.
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Empty So who is Wyuna Studio from the Coromandel then??

Post  mumof1 Sat 18 Jun - 9:35

How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Dsc01612
I was just about to post my Orzel icing sugar shaker on TM, but when I took the photos, I realised it wasn't a Settlers Collection at all! Does anyone know who this maker is?
How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Dsc01613
At least it is still NZ made

Number of posts : 2376
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Empty YES!

Post  Jeremy Ashford Sat 18 Jun - 12:07

Roodkapje wrote:Does this salt pig belong here?

How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Dsc03310

Height to lower edge of the mouth 50mm; widest point of mouth 110mm.

I saw one just like this at Sallies this morning (not equipped for photos) with the Orzel Settlers "Salt" transfer centre below the opening. Sometimes the transfers are very pale, sometimes they get cleaned off, and I imagine there are some that never had them too.

The only measurement I made was a finger measure of the knob, which I estimate at 30-40mm across.

I'd say it is indeed Orzel and belongs in the gallery.

Much later ...
Just a note to say that the Settlers salt pig in this trademe listing is NOT the one I saw, but it does have the transfer in the same place:

Last edited by Jeremy Ashford on Mon 20 Jun - 18:40; edited 1 time in total
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in? Empty Re: How many colours does the Settlers Collection come in?

Post  Ev Sat 18 Jun - 17:19

Thanks so much Jeremy, I will add the salt pig to the Orzel Gallery.
How amazing that mumof1 found that same glaze on terracotta and it's not made by Orzel !!!!   We do have the Wyuna label on the site ...

Number of posts : 18046
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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