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» Shape 15 in use
AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull EmptyYesterday at 6:53 by Ev

» Titian on the base of this Urn Style Vase that was made by Crown Lynn
AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull EmptyFri 6 Dec - 12:31 by Ev

» Does anyone know who LS is please? LS is Lisa Simpson
AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull EmptyThu 5 Dec - 6:30 by Ev

» The Grand Old Duke of Crown Lynn
AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull EmptySun 1 Dec - 19:11 by Ev

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AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull EmptySat 30 Nov - 15:48 by Ev

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AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull EmptySat 30 Nov - 11:03 by Ev

» Authenticity of Crown Lynn Swan?
AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull EmptyThu 28 Nov - 12:47 by Ev

» Shape 41 filled with roses
AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull EmptyTue 26 Nov - 15:24 by Ev

» Starburst and Sentinel Brown advert
AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull EmptyTue 26 Nov - 15:19 by Ev

AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull

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AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull Empty AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull

Post  Ev Thu 19 Nov - 18:05

The cup has been slipcast - the manipulation with a brush is wonderful!
Who did the brushwork ....... who is AH?
AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull Ah_cup10
AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull Ah_mar10

Last edited by Ev on Sat 13 Feb - 14:47; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull Empty Re: AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull

Post  Ev Wed 24 Dec - 20:25

A platter has been listed on TM that was made by the same potter ... and I still don't know who they are, but recognised their work straight away!

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull Empty Storage Jar I couldnt resist..

Post  Kat & Co. Thu 3 Sep - 9:37

Handpotted & beautifully painted who made me also? Cool
AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull Img_3326
AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull Img_3327
Kat & Co.
Kat & Co.

Number of posts : 2321
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03

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AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull Empty Re: AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull

Post  Kat & Co. Thu 11 Feb - 12:20

A big Latte cup I think maybe connected to this pottery too the Initials are S.H.
who's mark is this? cat
AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull Img_4135

AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull Img_4136
Kat & Co.
Kat & Co.

Number of posts : 2321
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03

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AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull Empty who is AH?

Post  cassadev Fri 12 Feb - 8:51

Hi all, whenever I see work with this "look" I think Hockenhull - wasn't there quite a family of them making/decorating pots, back in the day?


Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2012-03-10

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AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull Empty Re: AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull

Post  teaandcoffee Fri 12 Feb - 10:06

Yes, the SH is Scott Hockenhull, the AH may be his wife? Their early 1990s palm trees on a pizza deco is a classic of the decade.


Number of posts : 332
Registration date : 2012-04-22

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AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull Empty Re: AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull

Post  Ev Fri 12 Feb - 12:35

Well that makes sense.  I wasn't aware that they did slipcasting but of couse they did!  I will email Barbara later to confirm and ask for Scott's wife's name though I should know it.  Great stuff!!!!!

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull Empty Re: AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull

Post  Ev Fri 12 Feb - 18:18

Google tells me that there is Scott and Gabriella Hockenhull and Arran and Angela Hockenhull, so we will wait for Barbara to confirm who's mark is AH Smile

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull Empty Re: AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull

Post  Ev Sat 13 Feb - 14:43

Barbara Hockenhull confirmed that SH is Scott Hockenhull's mark and AH is Arran Hockenhull.  
Thanks to everyone who helped get this awesome result.

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull Empty Who is AH?

Post  cassadev Sat 13 Feb - 14:50

ah, lovely, thanks Ev : )


Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2012-03-10

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AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull Empty Re: AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull

Post  Kat & Co. Sun 14 Feb - 18:10

awesum cheers
Kat & Co.
Kat & Co.

Number of posts : 2321
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03

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AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull Empty Re: AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull

Post  Jeremy Ashford Mon 13 Jun - 15:04

Matching cup and saucer by Scott Hockenhull.
This also matches Kat's AH storage jar above.

The cup is cast, not thrown.
The saucer appears to be cast too.
AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull Sh10
this SH mark has no dots

from Tikipunga market
Castware mug with cactus design by Arran Hockenhull.
AH is Arran Hockenhull and SH is Scott Hockenhull Ah10

It is a bit different to see a figurative design from any of the Hockenhulls.
Note the Hockenhull "#" appears on the orange lower panel.

from Hospice shop
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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