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Tracing Old Trade Me Listings

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Tracing Old Trade Me Listings Empty Tracing Old Trade Me Listings

Post  mumof1 Sat 4 Jun - 13:04

Many times I have looked at a post where there is a link to old Trade Me listings connected to the subject. Unfortunately these links cease to work after 45 days, so from today, any that I come across I will edit to mention the listing number instead of the link. This number can then be searched on Trade Me using the search box, as the listing will still be there, just the photos and selling price and details will be missing.

If anyone else comes across some, perhaps they would like to help out by doing the same. The listing number is embedded in the link, so it merely needs to be extracted, and then the link removed, such as this link in the Pioneer post

This will be edited to say 'on this auction number on Trade Me' e.g. 716549255, then you simply need to copy the number and paste in the search box on Trade Me and select all catagories, to see the details. It will take some time to find them all, but worth it in the end. sunny

Number of posts : 2374
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Tracing Old Trade Me Listings Empty Re: Tracing Old Trade Me Listings

Post  Ev Sat 4 Jun - 18:50

This is a great idea, thanks mumof1.
The listing number is near the top right under the Cart option.
Take a look at this interesting Crown Lynn old Candlestick listing ...
I have copied and pasted the listing number of 1098893762

There is a way to do a screen shot that I've never worked out yet.
Can anyone offer some help?

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Tracing Old Trade Me Listings Empty tracing old trade me auctions

Post  youngstar Fri 10 Jun - 18:08

Hi Ev

To print a screen:  push the button on the top level on your keyboard that says 'Print Screen'.

You can then paste it (Cntrl V) or open a word document and paste and save that.  You can then edit the page, crop, cut out the bits you don't want to be seen etc. And then copy that page and paste it to wherever you want.

Easy!!  Well, it may take a bit of practice...


Number of posts : 10
Location : auckland
Registration date : 2010-06-14

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Tracing Old Trade Me Listings Empty Re: Tracing Old Trade Me Listings

Post  Nana2x2 Fri 1 Dec - 13:33

Hi everyone,
We have an iMac and with it an app called Grab, I can choose different ways to select what I want to have a copy of. It is easy to use and a very useful tool to track trades. Hard to transfer shot over to another app though.

Number of posts : 117
Location : Te Aroha
Registration date : 2016-10-21

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