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Potters' Map Nelson Province late 1970's.

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Potters' Map Nelson Province late 1970's. Empty Potters' Map Nelson Province late 1970's.

Post  Ev Wed 20 Jul - 8:36

A list of potters from a map put out each year and 30,000 copies were distributed.
It includes addresses and phone numbers.

C Tennant
I Stark
G Barron
P Gibbs
T Maurenbrecher
I Stucke
I Ing
S McCarthy
B & N Malcolm
C Dufresne
S Fullmer
C & E Vendelbosch
R Richards
V Evans
S Banks
J Palmer
J Neal
R McGlashen
R Maling
J Reay
J & L Gardner
F Calveley
P & J Laird
J Gregory
H & D McMillan
S & Z Carter
D & L Griffith
C Crombie
C Vine

There is more info about many of these potters too.

Number of posts : 17941
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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