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Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine EmptyToday at 18:15 by krism

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Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine EmptyToday at 9:00 by Ev

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Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine EmptyYesterday at 16:52 by Ev

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Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine EmptyYesterday at 7:14 by Ev

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Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine EmptySun 6 Oct - 16:28 by Ev

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Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine EmptySun 6 Oct - 15:30 by Michael J

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Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine EmptySun 6 Oct - 15:04 by whathepottery

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Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine EmptySat 5 Oct - 12:19 by chef

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Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine EmptyFri 4 Oct - 15:06 by Hilary Browning

Who makes this moon view ware? It was made by Barry Paine

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Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine Empty Who makes this moon view ware? It was made by Barry Paine

Post  Maryr Tue 26 Jul - 16:53

This is a familiar style but "NZ" isn't a very useful mark. Who is it? My sister bought this wee plate because she loves it.
Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine Gills_11
Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine Gills_10Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine Gills_12

Number of posts : 1994
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine Empty Re: Who makes this moon view ware? It was made by Barry Paine

Post  Ev Tue 26 Jul - 19:27

Gahhhhhh my brain won't work right now!!
This potter is from Nelson I think but I can't find his name.
Jeremy has a mug with a moon on it and I'm sure it was done by the same potter ..
If I could only find the thread about it !

Number of posts : 17945
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine Empty Mists over Westland by Barrie Paine

Post  Jeremy Ashford Tue 26 Jul - 20:39

Mists over Westland by Barrie Paine

Here's my topic:

More Barrie Paine:

Correction: I just corrected the title. I keep getting it wrong but this latest incarnation comes from Barrie's website.

Last edited by Jeremy Ashford on Thu 13 Oct - 17:12; edited 3 times in total
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine Empty Re: Who makes this moon view ware? It was made by Barry Paine

Post  Ev Wed 27 Jul - 9:18

Thanks so much Jeremy Very Happy

Number of posts : 17945
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine Empty Re: Who makes this moon view ware? It was made by Barry Paine

Post  Maryr Wed 27 Jul - 9:20

Brilliant. I will pass this on to my sis.

Number of posts : 1994
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine Empty Re: Who makes this moon view ware? It was made by Barry Paine

Post  Jeremy Ashford Thu 13 Oct - 17:21

I picked up a mug last month (23/9/16) which must be a Barrie Paine.

White stoneware, short, wide (perhaps a soup cup), pink and greys, push-on handle.

It has the Mists over Westland all the way around, but no moon! No maker's mark.

The mug has an obvious chip and also a couple of pinhead glaze-misses. For the sake of presentability I have tidied up the image. Any remaining marks are reflections.
Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine Barrie11
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine Empty more mists from Barrie Paine

Post  Jeremy Ashford Thu 16 Feb - 14:34

Tall cast mug. This is a pink version of Barrie Paine's "Mists over Westland" design.
Same shape in black and blue versions can be seen on Barrie's website:
Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine Mists10
142mm H, cast stoneware, unmarked for maker

Easily recognised as Barrie's work now.
Unlike my earlier find, previous post, this one has the moon.

From Whangarei Salvation Army $2
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine Empty Re: Who makes this moon view ware? It was made by Barry Paine

Post  Andrew Sat 25 Mar - 14:45

Jeremy Ashford wrote:I picked up a mug last month (23/9/16) which must be a Barrie Paine.

White stoneware, short, wide (perhaps a soup cup), pink and greys, push-on handle.

It has the Mists over Westland all the way around, but no moon! No maker's mark.

The mug has an obvious chip and also a couple of pinhead glaze-misses. For the sake of presentability I have tidied up the image. Any remaining marks are reflections.
Who makes this moon view ware?  It was made by Barry Paine Barrie11

This is the same as my 1st pink mug, had Barrie Paine at my house he saw it and said it's his work and a early piece, he is my uncle and I know his work, there is copycat out there doing like leaf on the side.

I need to ask him when he started to mark his works.
I hope that is help, my guess is this mug could date back to 80s or earlier.


Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2023-03-25

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