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Post  Jeremy Ashford Fri 26 Aug - 8:24

Clay Works Potters Market, Grey Lynn

Today and tomorrow.

This is going to have to be my Christmas present as I already have Fathers Day sorted.
I have taken some photos and wrapped it all up again. I will drip feed individual pieces by maker.
Clay Works market Works10

In no particular order:
Mervyn Aitchison
Louise Rattenbury
Jill Duncalfe
Carol Stewart
Suzy Dunser
Margaret Sumich
Helen Perrett
Nadine Spalter
Richard Naylor
Mark Goodie and Emily Siddell

I already have work by Suzy, Margaret, Mark and Nadine.

I didn't buy work by:
Tineke Walst and Peter Lange, who I already have examples from, but also Neil Hey, Shane Gallagher, Jinho Jeong, and Peter Scott, simply because I had spent enough already. Not all contributors to the markethave been identified here.
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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