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Is this CL vase Steenstra?

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Is this CL vase Steenstra?  Empty Is this CL vase Steenstra?

Post  Maryr Mon 5 Sep - 7:44

We will never know the answer for sure, but I wonder if this vase on TradeMe is Dan Steenstra's work, the shape and the frills around the top are so similar to the vases he did for Peter Lowrie.
(See Kat's recent post).


Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Is this CL vase Steenstra?  Empty Re: Is this CL vase Steenstra?

Post  teaandcoffee Mon 5 Sep - 14:32

Apart from the 1970s-style textured band around the green one they're almost the same aren't they Val? Since we know Dan was working at both potteries during the time periods they were respectively produced, I would say its almost certain they are his work.


Number of posts : 332
Registration date : 2012-04-22

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Is this CL vase Steenstra?  Empty Re: Is this CL vase Steenstra?

Post  Maryr Mon 5 Sep - 14:38

I had assumed that 'Hand Potted' was Shufflebotham and 'Hand Crafted' was Steenstra and maybe other (later than Shufflebotham) hand throwers. But this and a few other similar examples have led me to change my opinion.
I wonder when they changed from 'Hand Potted' to 'Hand Crafted' - or if both marks were used at the same time. Another question that may never be answered!

Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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