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Ambrico and Crown Lynn NZR monograms

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Ambrico and Crown Lynn NZR monograms Empty Ambrico and Crown Lynn NZR monograms

Post  Jeremy Ashford Tue 13 Sep - 15:46

Here are some of my New Zealand NZR monograms.
Ambrico and Crown Lynn NZR monograms Mono110

The Ambrico ones are all taken from shards. The are different sizes and different colours: black, brown, green.
Ambrico and Crown Lynn NZR monograms Mono210

The monograms in the lower row are all taken from saucers.

The Refreshment Rooms garter monogram is usually seen on English cups. This one is from a Crown Lynn saucer with the scroll-boxed cursive 48-55 mark. I've only seen one CL garter in the flesh.

The black NZR and Crown is cursive is from my new saucer, Crown Lynn Vitrified 48-55.

The blue NZR and Crown is supervit 1971. My 1965 Crown looks pretty much the same.

The Crowns on the two monograms shown here are different but I think both would be described as a "Kings Crowns".

We do have the NZR and Crown monograms in the gallery in a montage.

And to finish off here is a pic I took a long while back of my monograms at the time. Most are from shards. This montage includes Crown Lynn, Temuka, and English brands. See variation in crowns again here.
Ambrico and Crown Lynn NZR monograms Mono310
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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