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Mark Coomey, Karen Rolston, plus Carla Morris, Ken Twist and Sandy Stonham EmptyFri 11 Oct - 16:26 by Ev

Mark Coomey, Karen Rolston, plus Carla Morris, Ken Twist and Sandy Stonham

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Mark Coomey, Karen Rolston, plus Carla Morris, Ken Twist and Sandy Stonham Empty Mark Coomey, Karen Rolston, plus Carla Morris, Ken Twist and Sandy Stonham

Post  Jeremy Ashford Mon 5 Dec - 14:37

Some new mugs from Auckland Studio Potters Big Clay Out.

It is always difficult when you are in a rush (and Nicole and I were running behind schedule yesterday morning) to get the right mix. The place was buzzing and so crowded it was hard to retrace your steps.

I already have representative work from many of the ASP potters in my collection and would like to have added further examples from some potters, in particular I would have liked more work from Richard Naylor, but I made the sacrifice so I could get some new names. I still don't have work from all the potters on show today but never mind. Another time.
Mark Coomey, Karen Rolston, plus Carla Morris, Ken Twist and Sandy Stonham Aspmc10
Mark Coomey
Mark Coomey, Karen Rolston, plus Carla Morris, Ken Twist and Sandy Stonham Aspkt10
Ken Twist
Mark Coomey, Karen Rolston, plus Carla Morris, Ken Twist and Sandy Stonham Aspsan10
Sandy Stonham
Mark Coomey, Karen Rolston, plus Carla Morris, Ken Twist and Sandy Stonham Askkr210
Karen Rolston
Mark Coomey, Karen Rolston, plus Carla Morris, Ken Twist and Sandy Stonham Aspkr110
Karen Rolston
Mark Coomey, Karen Rolston, plus Carla Morris, Ken Twist and Sandy Stonham Aspcm10
Carla Morris

(I hope I have those names right. Auto-correct was at me to change them, and did on occasion when I didn't catch it in time.)
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Mark Coomey, Karen Rolston, plus Carla Morris, Ken Twist and Sandy Stonham Empty Re: Mark Coomey, Karen Rolston, plus Carla Morris, Ken Twist and Sandy Stonham

Post  Ev Tue 6 Dec - 6:32

I don't know any of these potters, so it's good that you have recorded them Jeremy. 
However I do know Richard Naylor, but I don't have any of his work.
I have added the marks to the Gallery.

Number of posts : 17955
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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