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Te Toi Uku is holding a Crown Lynn Swap-Meet in March
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Te Toi Uku is holding a Crown Lynn Swap-Meet in March
What a brilliant idea !!!!
I will be there with bells on and I will Buy - for sure, Swap - hopefully and maybe even Sell
I will be there with bells on and I will Buy - for sure, Swap - hopefully and maybe even Sell
Re: Te Toi Uku is holding a Crown Lynn Swap-Meet in March
How awesome! If anyone manages to see any Kelston Topic (green not brown) 19cm or thereabouts bowls, I would happily swap/pay!
Banker- Number of posts : 98
Location : Nelson in my little cottage with hubby Jeremy (my name is Gemma)
Registration date : 2012-02-02
Re: Te Toi Uku is holding a Crown Lynn Swap-Meet in March
Some of my stash that I will be taking to this event after a couple of days sorting and cleaning, but a long way to go yet !!!!
Re: Te Toi Uku is holding a Crown Lynn Swap-Meet in March
It is all wonderful. I don't envy your car's axle when you cart that load to the swap meet!
Banker- Number of posts : 98
Location : Nelson in my little cottage with hubby Jeremy (my name is Gemma)
Registration date : 2012-02-02
Re: Te Toi Uku is holding a Crown Lynn Swap-Meet in March
Hahaa yes it will be a load, but I've been a potter for 40 odd years and know how to pack a car for fairs and exhibitions etc, spreading the weight evenly especially over the axles. I have a four wheel drive and also new tyres so it should be sweet.
Re: Te Toi Uku is holding a Crown Lynn Swap-Meet in March
Hahaaa it's good to see that has written about this fantastic event !!!
Re: Te Toi Uku is holding a Crown Lynn Swap-Meet in March
What I find interesting is the general intrigue displayed by people of the age, gender and personal circumstances of Crown Lynn collectors, most people only know other people by their user names and over time it must get the better of people as to who is actually behind the handle. 😊
Ducks Nuts- Number of posts : 100
Registration date : 2011-07-18
Re: Te Toi Uku is holding a Crown Lynn Swap-Meet in March
Duckie, I find the demographics of Crown Lynn collectors interesting and having run a CL Facebook page for a few years, Facebook give the Admin all sorts of info. These stats would be useful if you ran a business on there, but I enjoy them too. For instance the age and sex of people who Follow the page and where the people come from.
45% of the people who Follow this page are between 25 and 44 and this has been steadily growing. Heck it's a wonder that these people are even aware of CL, but they can't get enough of it.
I've met many usernames over the years and we all have one thing in common and this overrules anything else. Really looking forward to meeting a heap more at this event. Some are like old friends, like hon-john that I've communicated with for years, but have never met. It's going to be the most unique swap-meet ever!
45% of the people who Follow this page are between 25 and 44 and this has been steadily growing. Heck it's a wonder that these people are even aware of CL, but they can't get enough of it.
I've met many usernames over the years and we all have one thing in common and this overrules anything else. Really looking forward to meeting a heap more at this event. Some are like old friends, like hon-john that I've communicated with for years, but have never met. It's going to be the most unique swap-meet ever!
Re: Te Toi Uku is holding a Crown Lynn Swap-Meet in March
Hi Ev, Interesting to see the stats from your FB page. I wasn't sure the angle of the article - but I liked it. You'll have to show me how to look at the Te Toi Uku Facebook page stats next time you're in!!
Yes, this Swap-Meet is going to be fun. Cross your fingers for a fine day!
Yes, this Swap-Meet is going to be fun. Cross your fingers for a fine day!
Finn McCahon-Jones- Number of posts : 29
Registration date : 2012-11-22
Re: Te Toi Uku is holding a Crown Lynn Swap-Meet in March
So, I checked the Te Toi Uku facebook to see how things went and what did I see first thing: me crouching over my boxes 'cause I was the only one that didn't take a table! It poured down and if I'd stayed in my appointed spot my blanket would have been soaked (which it was to some extent) but Val made room for me against the wall beside her.
Some of my coffee can prices may have seemed high to those who didn't know the market but for the more expensive items I really just covered my original outlay. I was really pleased with the responses from those who did buy them, then told me that they now had the piece they'd been hanging out for for so long.
Nicole bought a beautiful 630 conch (after Ev assured us it was CL) as a belated birthday present for a friend and I bought a wee dish that I think we don't have, both items from our own hon-john. Prices were pretty good and I could easily have spent more but I was there to get rid of excess not to add more.
I met good people, put faces to names I've known for a few years now, like Ben (graysonfarm), Cam Brown and John, and I walked away a bit wet but with a lighter load and a fatter wallet.
Some of my coffee can prices may have seemed high to those who didn't know the market but for the more expensive items I really just covered my original outlay. I was really pleased with the responses from those who did buy them, then told me that they now had the piece they'd been hanging out for for so long.
Nicole bought a beautiful 630 conch (after Ev assured us it was CL) as a belated birthday present for a friend and I bought a wee dish that I think we don't have, both items from our own hon-john. Prices were pretty good and I could easily have spent more but I was there to get rid of excess not to add more.
I met good people, put faces to names I've known for a few years now, like Ben (graysonfarm), Cam Brown and John, and I walked away a bit wet but with a lighter load and a fatter wallet.
Jeremy Ashford- Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11
Re: Te Toi Uku is holding a Crown Lynn Swap-Meet in March
Photos of the Swap-meet taken by Te Toi Uku the Crown Lynn Museum.
Jeremy, check out the comments on your stall photo.
Here is another shot from the day that has Jeremy, Val and I in it, with hon-john's stall behind.
Jeremy, check out the comments on your stall photo.
Here is another shot from the day that has Jeremy, Val and I in it, with hon-john's stall behind.
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