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Dating the patterns - Summer Sky, Spring Shadow, Shadow Brown

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Dating the patterns - Summer Sky, Spring Shadow, Shadow Brown Empty Dating the patterns - Summer Sky, Spring Shadow, Shadow Brown

Post  BrunoL Wed 15 Feb - 18:51


Does anybody have any information on when the patterns Summer Sky, Spring Shadow and Shadow Brown were introduced? I can’t see any reference to any of these patterns in the Crown Lynn catalogue topic (link to forum here) which covers 1981, 1982, 1986 and 1988.

I am assuming that Shadow Brown is the newest, as it has a 5-digit pattern number (d45100) whereas Summer Sky and Spring Shadow have 3-digit numbers (d456 & d457). I’m unsure exactly what year 5-digit numbers were introduced at Crown Lynn.

Note: The numbering for the saucers in these patterns has thrown a spanned in the works for me as they have different numbers from the rest of the pieces.  The saucer for Summer Sky is listed as d37601 and for Spring Shadow as d37600 – both 5 digit numbers. But why a 5-digit number for the saucer and a 3-digit number for the other bits?  Could this point to the first two patterns being released just as the numbering system was being changed? So many question!

Last edited by BrunoL on Wed 25 Oct - 17:32; edited 2 times in total

Number of posts : 70
Location : Palmerston North
Registration date : 2016-01-26

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Dating the patterns - Summer Sky, Spring Shadow, Shadow Brown Empty Re: Dating the patterns - Summer Sky, Spring Shadow, Shadow Brown

Post  Ev Thu 16 Feb - 8:27

Bruno it is but a dream to get all of the years made added to the patterns.  Perhaps one day I will take up the challenge ......
We have discussed when the five digit patterns were first made somewhere before, but alas I can't find it. 
There appears to be a cross over with three digit and five digit numbers from around 1984 and five digits were definitely being used by 1985.  Many patterns with three digit numbers were given another two zeros and I haven't recorded these with both.
I have vast records to trawl through and will do this when time permits.

One way to help identify year made is to identify the shape numbers used in the Four Digit Gallery.  Most of these have the first year made on them.

Number of posts : 18018
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Dating the patterns - Summer Sky, Spring Shadow, Shadow Brown Empty Re: Dating the patterns - Summer Sky, Spring Shadow, Shadow Brown

Post  BrunoL Fri 17 Feb - 22:09

Thanks Ev,

I had though there had been a discussion around when five digits arrived as well, but your post is helpful.
Given the curious numbering crossover in two of the patterns, a tentative 1984 sounds reasonable (as it is all on rim ware with bell cup and saucers, which were introduced in April 1981, and not in the '81 or '82 catalogue lists). That reasonably would leave '85 or '87 for Shadow Brown which feels right. (My grandparents had the design, and we moved back to Auckland in 1987).

Not exact perhaps, but close enough for my needs Smile

Number of posts : 70
Location : Palmerston North
Registration date : 2016-01-26

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Dating the patterns - Summer Sky, Spring Shadow, Shadow Brown Empty Re: Dating the patterns - Summer Sky, Spring Shadow, Shadow Brown

Post  Ev Wed 19 Sep - 12:14

Hi Bruno, I am adding dates to patterns from Adverts in Australian papers and Australian Women's Weekly. I remembered your post when I came across Spring Shadow and Summer Sky which were advertised together in 1985.

Number of posts : 18018
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Dating the patterns - Summer Sky, Spring Shadow, Shadow Brown Empty Re: Dating the patterns - Summer Sky, Spring Shadow, Shadow Brown

Post  BrunoL Thu 20 Sep - 21:35

Thanks Eve, that helps a lot.

Number of posts : 70
Location : Palmerston North
Registration date : 2016-01-26

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