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tall Forma coffee pot with RED version of Purple Myrtle

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tall Forma coffee pot with RED version of Purple Myrtle Empty tall Forma coffee pot with RED version of Purple Myrtle

Post  Jeremy Ashford Thu 16 Mar - 15:12

tall Forma coffee pot with RED version of Purple Myrtle

Another amazing find from Jim. I was possibly the last to notice this at our group's meeting this morning at Jim's place, there was just so much to see.

I believe the tall Forma pot is rare in itself but with this once seen only pattern it must be worth at least one hundred at auction, perhaps a few more. Jim paid $4.

When Mark Cleverley addressed the exhibition of his work at Object space I questioned him about Arthur and Martha, Captain Sharples, and Purple Myrtle. Mark told me that the purple was a mix of red and blue, and I recall seeing a photo of a "Blue Myrtle" can but thought it may have been a sample rather than a production piece. Now I've seen the red, just once but it's out there.
tall Forma coffee pot with RED version of Purple Myrtle Myrtle10
"Red Myrtle" tall Forma coffee pot
tall Forma coffee pot with RED version of Purple Myrtle Myrtle11
Jim's display: coffee pot with Purple Myrtle cans
tall Forma coffee pot with RED version of Purple Myrtle Myrtle12
a sample of the pattern
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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