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Cathy Robinson: "The Quarry Whangarei" and "Quarry Arts Centre" mugs

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Cathy Robinson: "The Quarry Whangarei" and "Quarry Arts Centre" mugs Empty Cathy Robinson: "The Quarry Whangarei" and "Quarry Arts Centre" mugs

Post  Jeremy Ashford Tue 21 Mar - 15:58

Two mugs by one of the Quarry artists. I bought these through Els at Casual Clay.
Cathy Robinson: "The Quarry Whangarei" and "Quarry Arts Centre" mugs Quarry10

Els thought the potter's name was Cathy Johnston but the mark is CR so that could be wrong. I am awaiting contact from Cathy. Eds: Els says Cathy Robinson.

Cathy Robinson: "The Quarry Whangarei" and "Quarry Arts Centre" mugs Quarry11
Cathy Robinson
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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