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Is this Crewenna Pottery?

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Is this Crewenna Pottery? Empty Is this Crewenna Pottery?

Post  Ev Sun 9 Apr - 11:33

These photos were sent to the site by the Ferret and he thinks it is Crewenna.

There are several reasons why I would like this confirmed one way or the other.

1.  The CP mark is handwritten and I've never come across this before, but there is always a possibility that the pot may have been too hard to stamp, so a scratched mark it had to be.

2.  The C has a flick at the bottom of the C and I'm only familiar with this at the top of the C. 

3.  Crikey I don't recall seeing any handmade Crewenna pieces, as their forte was domestic wheel work.  However there are always exceptions to any rules.

4.  Harry and May Davis were real professional potters in every way and this piece doesn't sit right to my eyes.

Please add your thoughts and comments.

Is this Crewenna Pottery? Crewen12

Is this Crewenna Pottery? Crewen13

Is this Crewenna Pottery? Crewen11

Last edited by Ev on Sun 9 Apr - 15:08; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 17914
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Is this Crewenna Pottery? Empty Re: Is this Crewenna Pottery?

Post  teaandcoffee Sun 9 Apr - 14:00

I'm with you on this Ev. Definitely not by Harry and May Davis. I have seen this mark before and the pottery is usually fairly heavy.


Number of posts : 332
Registration date : 2012-04-22

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