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I met another Crazy Crown Lynn Patterns Lady !!!! EmptyToday at 22:33 by nosmada

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I met another Crazy Crown Lynn Patterns Lady !!!! EmptySat 7 Sep - 10:14 by JanPots

I met another Crazy Crown Lynn Patterns Lady !!!!

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I met another Crazy Crown Lynn Patterns Lady !!!! Empty I met another Crazy Crown Lynn Patterns Lady !!!!

Post  Ev Sun 9 Apr - 12:14

Finn warned me when I got to Te Toi Uku on Wednesday that a lady by the name of Lyn was coming to the Museum who lives in Wellington.  He continued to say that she is recording all of the pattern names that Crown Lynn made, but doesn't have a computer.  How fortunate that I was there on this day !!

All of my researching went out the window when Lyn arrived.  She has a notebook with all of the pattern names in alphabetical order and at the back are the numbers in numerical order.

She was adamant that she only recorded the patterns that actually have a name and number, so her total was only 560 patterns.  Genuine Ironstone and similar are not patterns as far as she is concerned as they don't have names and numbers.  I think she only warmed to the idea that they did have names, when I told her that the Crown Lynn records not only showed you the pattern, they even told you what shaped cups and what colour cups went with each pattern.  I'm not sure that she was convinced though.

As she doesn't have a computer she was not aware of any others collecting pattern names.  Lyn has to find a plate that has the name and number on it for it to get into her book of pattern names, so she has a good collection of plates.  She also has an extensive range of Crown Lynn collectables.

Finn asked us both to name patterns that were in the shards boxes and we both enjoyed doing this together as it was fun and Finn was able to refresh his shards collection Smile

Lyn's face was familiar and as she is from Wellington I checked out the photos from the Crown Lynn: Crockery of Distinction Wellington exhibition on the Facebook page and found her in several photos when Heather and I went the day that Trish Clark spoke about her Dad and Crown Lynn.  I would have been only a few feet away from her in most of the photos.  There was a video taken when Trish Clark spoke at the exhibition, but I have hunted high and low for it and it eludes me.

Number of posts : 17914
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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I met another Crazy Crown Lynn Patterns Lady !!!! Empty Re: I met another Crazy Crown Lynn Patterns Lady !!!!

Post  Ducks Nuts Mon 10 Apr - 12:41

There is a vid of Trish Clark speaking on YouTube, if you type in Crown Lynn to the YouTube search box it should be the first result. Not sure if it's the one you're looking for.
Ducks Nuts
Ducks Nuts

Number of posts : 100
Registration date : 2011-07-18

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I met another Crazy Crown Lynn Patterns Lady !!!! Empty Re: I met another Crazy Crown Lynn Patterns Lady !!!!

Post  Ev Mon 10 Apr - 13:19

Thanks so much Duckie as that is the one.
The Crown Lynn: Crockery of Distinction exhibition at the City Gallery Welling February 2011.  Trish Clark talks about her Dad and Crown Lynn.
Heather and I are there along with the other Patterns Lady from Wellington.
It was such a brilliant exhibition and it's great to look back at it.

Number of posts : 17914
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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