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Ann Skelly Fez Orange mug

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Ann Skelly Fez Orange mug Empty Ann Skelly Fez Orange mug

Post  Ev Thu 4 May - 9:02

How vibrant is this colour!
I didn't need this mug, but couldn't resist the wow factor colour!
At least now I have one piece from this design Smile

Ann Skelly Fez Orange mug Studio11

Ann Skelly Fez Orange mug Studio10

Number of posts : 17955
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Ann Skelly Fez Orange mug Empty Re: Ann Skelly Fez Orange mug

Post  Maryr Thu 4 May - 9:52

I LOVE this design and colour. Chris Harvey once told me that they made fabric (tea towels I think) in this pattern but they didn't sell.

Number of posts : 1994
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Ann Skelly Fez Orange mug Empty Re: Ann Skelly Fez Orange mug

Post  JanPots Mon 8 May - 20:24

I found the exact colour and style of mug and I love it. The colour is amazing. In the op shop they had the same pattern but in green... I was tempted but I managed to walk away. Hehe
Ann Skelly Fez Orange mug 20170320
Ann Skelly Fez Orange mug 20170321

Number of posts : 2152
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Ann Skelly Fez Orange mug Empty Ann Skelly

Post  JanPots Mon 19 Feb - 20:09

I went to the ann skelly gallery at waiheke island on the weekend. ... it turns out we come from the same town in the UK. What a coincidence. ....
We had a lovely catchup and Ann filled me in on a little story about the back stamp on her early pottery.
It's a mouse with.a bow on its tail. (see the backstamp above)
Ann is a talented painter and carried on popping the tiny mouse in all her art work.
Ann also has several awards for wearable art costumes that she designed. ... a very lovely talented and generous lady. .
Thanks Ann for an amazing few hours...... just in case you read this Very Happy

Number of posts : 2152
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Ann Skelly Fez Orange mug Empty Re: Ann Skelly Fez Orange mug

Post  Maryr Mon 19 Feb - 20:44

Wonderful story thanks Jan

Number of posts : 1994
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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