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Red clay Plant Pots were being made at Crown Lynn in 1989 EmptyYesterday at 22:33 by nosmada

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Red clay Plant Pots were being made at Crown Lynn in 1989 EmptyYesterday at 7:32 by CrownPrince

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Red clay Plant Pots were being made at Crown Lynn in 1989 EmptyTue 10 Sep - 15:02 by Ev

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Red clay Plant Pots were being made at Crown Lynn in 1989 EmptyTue 10 Sep - 7:23 by Ev

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Red clay Plant Pots were being made at Crown Lynn in 1989 EmptyMon 9 Sep - 12:51 by mumof1

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Red clay Plant Pots were being made at Crown Lynn in 1989 EmptyMon 9 Sep - 7:51 by Maryr

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Red clay Plant Pots were being made at Crown Lynn in 1989 EmptySun 8 Sep - 9:02 by Ev

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Red clay Plant Pots were being made at Crown Lynn in 1989 EmptySat 7 Sep - 13:45 by aurelipa

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Red clay Plant Pots were being made at Crown Lynn in 1989 EmptySat 7 Sep - 10:14 by JanPots

Red clay Plant Pots were being made at Crown Lynn in 1989

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Red clay Plant Pots were being made at Crown Lynn in 1989 Empty Red clay Plant Pots were being made at Crown Lynn in 1989

Post  Ev Fri 26 May - 6:09

I went to the fantastic opening of Mark Goody and Emily Siddell's exhibition at the old Ambrico kiln last night and there were so many potters' there.  I was talking to one chap and he mentioned that he worked at Crown Lynn only for a week just before they closed in 1989.  He said that he was employed as a Hand Potter and he and a girl spent the week putting throwing rings onto jiggered plant pots to make them look handmade.  The clay was red he said.  I asked if it was like the brick clay and he said it was much redder than that.  He has never come across any of these pots since.  He said that there were many hand potters that worked there over the years.
So now we need to find one of these pots to check it out !!

Number of posts : 17914
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Red clay Plant Pots were being made at Crown Lynn in 1989 Empty Re: Red clay Plant Pots were being made at Crown Lynn in 1989

Post  Maryr Fri 26 May - 8:31

Well that is interesting. I will look out for anything that seems a possible match. I wonder where the red clay was mixed.

Number of posts : 1993
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Red clay Plant Pots were being made at Crown Lynn in 1989 Empty Re: Red clay Plant Pots were being made at Crown Lynn in 1989

Post  Ev Fri 26 May - 10:23

I think he said they were decorated, but not 100% on that. I came across a red clay mix recipe and must check it out. The wine coolers were made out of red clay.

Number of posts : 17914
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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