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Post  Jeremy Ashford Sun 4 Jun - 16:50

Borrowed Earth was from New Lynn Hospice, the rest from NL Sallies.
I know the Borrowed Earth of course but the others are a bit tricky.
Sallies were very kind to me: these three plus the Ambrico was $10 well spent.

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small, shino

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is this a mark?

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only partially glazed but lots of lovely blush

Kat offered Jim Greig as a possible for the last, and now she's mentioned it I see that the two swoops that make up the mark could very easily be "JG". I know too little of his work to have a clue. I will post a pic of the base to add more info. I really do like this mug, both shape, which I think looks ancient or Mediteranean perhaps, and the minimal application of glaze that has allowed the clay to develop its own natural glaze.
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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