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3020 beaker colourglaze

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3020 beaker colourglaze Empty 3020 beaker colourglaze

Post  JanPots Sun 11 Jun - 9:59

Yesterday.. as part of my major cleaning process it  meant that I washed over 100 cups.  Who has that many just hanging around lol
They were all covered in a sticky mess. Quite gross really.
Got to the last 18 and yes... guess what happened.  I dropped the last one into the sink and broke the handle.
I had been carefully avoiding handles as 2 weeks ago. I broke the handle off a narvik sugar bowl.
Anyways.... I have some 3020 beakers in different colours.
Lime green. Green. Yellow. Pumpkin. Brown. Blue. Teal, Oyster and mustard which could be called bronze.
If you see any out there... let me know Janice Very Happy

3020 beaker colourglaze 20170612

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Registration date : 2012-05-10

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