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Coffee Cans advert from c.1967

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Coffee Cans advert from c.1967 Empty Coffee Cans advert from c.1967

Post  Ev Thu 3 Aug - 8:59

Tropic Ware in exciting plain shades
Tango Blue

Coffee Cans advert from c.1967 13010

Would love to see this range in colour if anyone has them all ....

Number of posts : 17923
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Coffee Cans advert from c.1967 Empty Re: Coffee Cans advert from c.1967

Post  Jeremy Ashford Thu 3 Aug - 14:32

(Yes this is wordy. Do remember to stop and breathe now and then.)

Ev, as you haven't used an exact date, I'm guessing you are offering 1967 because of the pricing being decimal with LSD subtitles bracketed.
If it's 1967 then the cans are most likely 782s with 793 saucers.
If the ad is 1968 then there is a possibility they could be 3618s, 3022s, or 3023s, which I think less likely. How long did dual-pricing continue for?

So we have two shapes shown, the cans and 3020 Shape 25 Beakers.
The beakers date from 11.10.67, moving our date three months on from decimalisation. The 3022 earthenware version of the vitrified 782 can was released less than one month later on 4.11.67. The 782 and 3022, then, are our two most likely choices for the cans.

One range of colours for two shapes does not necessarily mean all colours in both shapes, they may have been spread between the two.

We already have some of those colours recurring in 782 cans and others not appearing at all ... so far. Could that then indicate that some of the colours were for vit only and others for E/W only? Or would the glazes have been designed to worrk as both E/W and vit?

I have lifted some text and a picture of coloured 782s from the long Cook & Serve topic.

"24/6/14 Coloured cans.
"As it is a while since I posted my different coloured cans and I now have some new ones I thought it time for an update.
Coffee Cans advert from c.1967 Colour10
"dark brown, mushroom (Reflections), white (clear glaze), oyster
"Cook & Serve yellow, yellow, lime green, tango blue.

"White and lime green came on Form saucers as complete sets. The mushroom one is a Reflections can and belongs on a Reflections-patterned saucer. I believe some of these belong to Viking sets: brown, oyster, yellow. The two standard Cook & Serve colours, tango blue and yellow, bottom row each end, were found without saucers."

I have no inclination to change any of that. (Of course Viking is still under discussion too.) That gives us BROWN, TANGO BLUE, AND OYSTER. In addition I suggest that OLIVE GREEN (one colour, no comma between words) is the colour of my dark green saucer, which we have seen elsewhere paired with Napoli cans. Here is a colour sample as seen on a saucer.
Coffee Cans advert from c.1967 Green10
OLIVE GREEN? green Cook & Serve backstamp

I think Janice is the collector of 3020s. Would the two of you be able to suggest the correct colours for that shape? Between the two shapes we may be able to put the whole colour range together.

Oh, great find btw!
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Coffee Cans advert from c.1967 Empty Re: Coffee Cans advert from c.1967

Post  Ev Thu 3 Aug - 17:46

Trawled back through my notes and they say this is from the 1966 - 1967 folder from the Museum. That is as specific as I can get as I didn't photograph the page dates as I had enough to do Wink I'm sure it will be there for anyone wishing to be exact though Neutral

Number of posts : 17923
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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