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Rick Rudd Vessel and mark

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Rick Rudd Vessel and mark Empty Rick Rudd Vessel and mark

Post  siftasam Sun 13 Aug - 10:33

I have this little Vase type vessel, it's stamped and from what I can find out it probably dates from around 1978, or am I completely off the mark? I would like to sell it, should I just pop it on trade-me or put it in a specialist auction? I can only seem to find information on his recent pottery values so have not idea if these early pieces are desirable or not. It's only 16cm tall.

Rick Rudd Vessel and mark Img_0811
Rick Rudd Vessel and mark Img_0813
Rick Rudd Vessel and mark Img_0814


Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2017-05-19

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Rick Rudd Vessel and mark Empty Re: Rick Rudd Vessel and mark

Post  Ev Sun 13 Aug - 11:20

Fantastic to see a photos and yes this piece would be admired by many even though it's a bit patchy.  Raku does oxidise in sunlight. It's hard to tell when it was made as he used this style for many works.  That is definitely Rick's mark.

Number of posts : 17944
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Rick Rudd Vessel and mark Empty Re: Rick Rudd Vessel and mark

Post  siftasam Mon 14 Aug - 8:31

Thanks for your reply. It's not actually as patchy as it looks in the photo, some weird light refraction was going on there perhaps.


Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2017-05-19

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