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hand thrown and decorated OC Stephens dish

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hand thrown and decorated OC Stephens dish Empty hand thrown and decorated OC Stephens dish

Post  Jeremy Ashford Mon 4 Sep - 1:35

hand thrown and decorated OC Stephens dish

This was a delightful find as it is quite unusual. Hand thrown is one thing, I have seen a bit of that now, but the decoration is a bit of a rarity.

I did not recognise this by the work, and the mark is inscribed rather than impressed, however I know it does have the typical Stephens broad shallow footring.
hand thrown and decorated OC Stephens dish 21231210
138 OD top x 87 OD foot ring x 40 H

hand thrown and decorated OC Stephens dish Stephe10

I have seen only one similar piece by OCS, similar size too, on the web and that is for sale for $125. This has some dings so won't be worth anything like that.
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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