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Polka Pattern

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pattern - Polka Pattern Empty Polka Pattern

Post  JanPots Tue 21 Nov - 12:18

Ev... I came across this "polka image from The Portage Trust" - the 2 searches we have on the forum for "polka" have no image. How can we get the image back?

if "polka" is a pattern by Crown lynn - I am sure someone out there will have this one? Or is it not? I am confused by the comment in one of the threads..

Its the dotty pattern - image wont load ATM aargh...

Number of posts : 2132
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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pattern - Polka Pattern Empty Re: Polka Pattern

Post  Maryr Tue 21 Nov - 17:16

Polka is a pattern. I could only find an advt when I did my second book but there are some real examples around. Sorry I am using my twiddly wee phone... wont be home at computer for a couple more days so I cant give more detail.

Number of posts : 1983
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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pattern - Polka Pattern Empty Re: Polka Pattern

Post  Ev Tue 28 Aug - 7:33

Woop woop, At the Crown Lynn Collectors' Market Peter Jack swapped a Hand Potted Jardiniere with me for a Polka side plate, so when I get it's portrait taken I can add it here and to the Gallery.
He did mention that he couldn't find it in the Gallery and that's what sold me on the swap deal cheers So much excitement for an old chook :parrot:

Number of posts : 17810
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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pattern - Polka Pattern Empty Re: Polka Pattern

Post  Ev Tue 28 Aug - 14:35

Happy Birthday to us from me :party:

pattern - Polka Pattern Polka_12

pattern - Polka Pattern Polka_13

An advert courtesy of the Auckland Museum holdings which shows the cup.
From this advert I can estimate that this pattern was made in the early 1960's from the cup handle and the gold backstamp and gold rim and inner rim.

pattern - Polka Pattern 11o11

Number of posts : 17810
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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pattern - Polka Pattern Empty Re: Polka Pattern

Post  Maryr Tue 28 Aug - 18:43

SO WONDERFUL to have the real thing.

Number of posts : 1983
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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