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Vase # 34 price & another vase (crown lynn?)with only a number

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Vase # 34 price & another vase (crown lynn?)with only a number Empty Vase # 34 price & another vase (crown lynn?)with only a number

Post  Lara Wed 7 Feb - 18:48

I'd like to know how much this vase is worth if possible? 14cm high x 15cm diameter approx & in perfect condition. 

Also another dish but doesn't have a stamp, just the number 75 on bottom- is it Crown Lynn? 26cm wide x 7cm high.

Many thanks

Vase # 34 price & another vase (crown lynn?)with only a number 20180210
Vase # 34 price & another vase (crown lynn?)with only a number 20180211

Vase # 34 price & another vase (crown lynn?)with only a number 20180213Vase # 34 price & another vase (crown lynn?)with only a number 20180212
Vase # 34 price & another vase (crown lynn?)with only a number 20180214
Vase # 34 price & another vase (crown lynn?)with only a number 20180215


Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2018-02-07

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Vase # 34 price & another vase (crown lynn?)with only a number Empty Re: Vase # 34 price & another vase (crown lynn?)with only a number

Post  Ev Thu 8 Feb - 7:22

The Handpotted Shape 34 is a popular piece when listed on Trademe.
It just depends on how many people are bidding as to the price achieved.
They can go from $200 to $500 or thereabouts if in good condition.

The Shape 75 is a slipcast Oval Squat Trough. Sorry I have no idea what it would sell for, but all Crown Lynn vases are popular at the moment.

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Vase # 34 price & another vase (crown lynn?)with only a number Empty Re: Vase # 34 price & another vase (crown lynn?)with only a number

Post  Lara Thu 8 Feb - 9:55

Thanks so much! What a great forum!


Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2018-02-07

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