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studio ceramics scorchio water jug

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studio ceramics scorchio water jug Empty studio ceramics scorchio water jug

Post  JanPots Tue 24 Jul - 19:16

Very happy to have found this water jug... it's huge!
Photo with a crown lynn cup for size comparsion.
studio ceramics scorchio water jug 20180710

Number of posts : 2151
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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studio ceramics scorchio water jug Empty Re: studio ceramics scorchio water jug

Post  Maryr Fri 27 Jul - 11:33

Jan this is lovely to see. I have the same jug in one of the florals - pink and blue I think. It looks really classy in your pattern which is one of my favourites. I was told that Scorchio was actually a group of designers.

Number of posts : 1994
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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studio ceramics scorchio water jug Empty Re: studio ceramics scorchio water jug

Post  Hannele Tue 23 Apr - 15:30

And here is a smaller one:
studio ceramics scorchio water jug Dsc06810
studio ceramics scorchio water jug Dsc06811

Number of posts : 702
Registration date : 2018-02-03

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