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Sussex courtesy of Carmen Furer
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Re: Sussex courtesy of Carmen Furer
Eeekkkk.... was this NOT in the gallery? How did we miss this. .. opps
JanPots- Number of posts : 2155
Registration date : 2012-05-10
Re: Sussex courtesy of Carmen Furer
Did you have this one Janice ??????
How many other patterns do you have that you are not sharing????
Oh well never mind, we have it at last
This is from a boxed set and other patterns on the box are Dover, Cornwall and Trent.
How many other patterns do you have that you are not sharing????
Oh well never mind, we have it at last
This is from a boxed set and other patterns on the box are Dover, Cornwall and Trent.
Re: Sussex courtesy of Carmen Furer
Haha.. unsure I have too much stuff.
I thought that pattern was on the thread "show us your cups" anyways it's noted now.
When I get a chance I should compare the gallery against my collection file and see what's missing. 🤗
I bet there are other collectors out there with stuff that's we could put in the gallery, there are too many variations, of colours/patterns that I feel some times makes it overwhelming or confusion sets in lol
I thought that pattern was on the thread "show us your cups" anyways it's noted now.
When I get a chance I should compare the gallery against my collection file and see what's missing. 🤗
I bet there are other collectors out there with stuff that's we could put in the gallery, there are too many variations, of colours/patterns that I feel some times makes it overwhelming or confusion sets in lol
JanPots- Number of posts : 2155
Registration date : 2012-05-10
Re: Sussex courtesy of Carmen Furer
I checked the Gallery and couldn't find it so used Carmen's pic, then when I went to the Database, I found Sussex in red which means we do have it. So checked again and there is was. YEeessss I'm going dotty I have since deleted her pic.
I'm tuned into picking up patterns that we don't have in the Facebook Crown Lynn pages
I'm tuned into picking up patterns that we don't have in the Facebook Crown Lynn pages
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