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Crown Lynn miscellaneous for Ev to look at

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Crown Lynn miscellaneous for Ev to look at Empty Crown Lynn miscellaneous for Ev to look at

Post  Maryr Sun 5 Aug - 15:05

Ev my apologies but here is a disorganised image dump.  Hopefully your expert eye will discern which if any of these need to go into galleries...
Lovely hand painted dish
Crown Lynn miscellaneous for Ev to look at 004-cl10Crown Lynn miscellaneous for Ev to look at 005-cl10
Drawer knobs in two sizes
Crown Lynn miscellaneous for Ev to look at 006-cl10
Egg cups gold banded
Crown Lynn miscellaneous for Ev to look at 013-cl11Crown Lynn miscellaneous for Ev to look at 014-cl10
Old yellow egg cup (CL I think)
Crown Lynn miscellaneous for Ev to look at 015-cl10Crown Lynn miscellaneous for Ev to look at 016-cl10
Tiny potties I bought this one because it has a date on the sticker. 1948
Crown Lynn miscellaneous for Ev to look at 017-cl10Crown Lynn miscellaneous for Ev to look at 018-cl10Crown Lynn miscellaneous for Ev to look at 019-cl10
Groovy ashtray
Crown Lynn miscellaneous for Ev to look at 024-cl10Crown Lynn miscellaneous for Ev to look at 025-cl10
Pie funnel
Crown Lynn miscellaneous for Ev to look at 026-cl10
And lovely lovely lovely trickle glaze vase. Has the round made in NZ mark on the base.
Crown Lynn miscellaneous for Ev to look at 031-cl10

Number of posts : 1993
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Crown Lynn miscellaneous for Ev to look at Empty Re: Crown Lynn miscellaneous for Ev to look at

Post  Ev Mon 6 Aug - 9:30

Thanks Val, for all sorts of goodies.
I haven't found a Shape number for the Door Handles, but will look around just in case. The Technical Ceramic Division made these along with Bathroom furniture and all sorts of other things which do have shape numbers.
We have all of the other shapes already, but it is great to see more!
The most interesting piece to me is the little potty with the Centennial 1848 - 1948 decal on it as it was made the year I was born :O

Number of posts : 17914
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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