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775 jug with NAF emblem ...already in the gallery  EmptyToday at 9:02 by Ev

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775 jug with NAF emblem ...already in the gallery  EmptyFri 6 Sep - 18:25 by Ev

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775 jug with NAF emblem ...already in the gallery  EmptyFri 6 Sep - 9:40 by Ev

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775 jug with NAF emblem ...already in the gallery  EmptyThu 5 Sep - 18:19 by JanPots

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775 jug with NAF emblem ...already in the gallery

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775 jug with NAF emblem ...already in the gallery  Empty 775 jug with NAF emblem ...already in the gallery

Post  JanPots Sat 18 Aug - 17:05

Anyone know what NAF is?
I see its in a gallery but can't find the thread

Is it National association Farmers.?

775 jug with NAF emblem ...already in the gallery  20180811
775 jug with NAF emblem ...already in the gallery  20180812

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Registration date : 2012-05-10

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