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New pattern for the gallery.  Chantelle d390 EmptyYesterday at 19:27 by Ev

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New pattern for the gallery.  Chantelle d390 EmptyYesterday at 7:14 by JanPots

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New pattern for the gallery.  Chantelle d390 EmptyYesterday at 6:30 by Ev

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New pattern for the gallery.  Chantelle d390 EmptySun 8 Dec - 19:31 by JanPots

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New pattern for the gallery.  Chantelle d390 EmptySun 8 Dec - 11:13 by Ev

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New pattern for the gallery.  Chantelle d390 EmptySun 8 Dec - 11:03 by Ev

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New pattern for the gallery.  Chantelle d390 EmptySun 8 Dec - 10:09 by Ev

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New pattern for the gallery.  Chantelle d390 EmptySun 8 Dec - 9:59 by Ev

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New pattern for the gallery.  Chantelle d390 EmptySun 8 Dec - 7:01 by Ev

New pattern for the gallery. Chantelle d390

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New pattern for the gallery.  Chantelle d390 Empty New pattern for the gallery. Chantelle d390

Post  JanPots Sun 26 Aug - 19:30

Okay...I need to check my hard drive for the exact details.. but very keen to share this pattern.
New pattern for the gallery.  Chantelle d390 2018-010

Number of posts : 2161
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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New pattern for the gallery.  Chantelle d390 Empty Re: New pattern for the gallery. Chantelle d390

Post  Kat & Co. Sun 26 Aug - 19:33

Wow!! havn't seen this one before! bounce cat
Kat & Co.
Kat & Co.

Number of posts : 2321
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03

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New pattern for the gallery.  Chantelle d390 Empty Re: New pattern for the gallery. Chantelle d390

Post  Ev Mon 27 Aug - 6:53

Thanks for getting this Janice, as I didn't even notice where Real Time's stall was and it slipped under my radar !!!

It's called Chantelle d390 and has Brown 3019 shape 25 cups.

cheers cheers cheers

Number of posts : 18018
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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New pattern for the gallery.  Chantelle d390 Empty Cup - Brown

Post  JanPots Mon 27 Aug - 8:12

Its a cool pattern :O)

The brown cup ( glaze number ) is the same brown as the "brown bands " you get on coupe plates, and the same brown as the Pattern "Rushka Brown"

Number of posts : 2161
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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