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» Noel Snelgrove Blue Gum Pottery Kerikeri NZ
Happy 10th Birthday to Us !!!!!!!!!!!!!! EmptyToday at 19:31 by JanPots

» Westcoast Stoneware Raglan
Happy 10th Birthday to Us !!!!!!!!!!!!!! EmptyToday at 11:13 by Ev

» Tricia Hansen
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» Michelle McKinstry /Michelle Bow
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» A Louise Thompson-Parker
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» The 36th Coromandel Christmas Exhibition
Happy 10th Birthday to Us !!!!!!!!!!!!!! EmptyToday at 7:01 by Ev

» Shape 15 in use
Happy 10th Birthday to Us !!!!!!!!!!!!!! EmptyYesterday at 6:53 by Ev

» Titian on the base of this Urn Style Vase that was made by Crown Lynn
Happy 10th Birthday to Us !!!!!!!!!!!!!! EmptyFri 6 Dec - 12:31 by Ev

Happy 10th Birthday to Us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Happy 10th Birthday to Us !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Empty Happy 10th Birthday to Us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post  Ev Tue 28 Aug - 7:17

Time really does fly when you are having fun!
It was 10 years ago today that I manged to get this site off the ground with the help of HeatherT and TonyK who supplied endless photos for the Galleries.
We have come a long way since then and have covered a lot of pottery ground, but there is still so much more to learn and find out and it will never be complete.

10 years ago I was a Studio Potter who collected Studio Pottery and my Crown Lynn knowledge could fit on the end of my little finger, but look at the 360' turnaround which sees me spending most of my time doing Crown Lynn things. I would never have seen that in my future and I'm grateful that Heather and Tony's passion rubbed off on me too.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to each and every one of us that has helped to make this site the success it is and Many Happy Returns cheers

:party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Happy 10th Birthday to Us !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Empty Re: Happy 10th Birthday to Us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post  JanPots Tue 28 Aug - 7:52

I agree. ...
Yes. It has come a "massive long way " since I joined about 6 years ago... oh my... that long?

I just wished I lived closer and you and I would be researching side by side lol...

You do an amazing job many hours of photographs and reading. ....
Then everyone else on the forum, helping out by figuring out amd making sense of all the information.

There are alot of very knowledgeable people on this forum, I love it Very Happy

Happy Birthday to us all too sunny

Number of posts : 2160
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Happy 10th Birthday to Us !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Empty Re: Happy 10th Birthday to Us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post  Kat & Co. Tue 28 Aug - 8:27

Thanks to all who have contributed..but mostly to you Ev I love you who keeps it all smooth sailing...we have such a neat vibrant interesting web site.
cheers :clap: :bowdown: :party:
Kat & Co.
Kat & Co.

Number of posts : 2321
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03

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Happy 10th Birthday to Us !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Empty Re: Happy 10th Birthday to Us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post  Jeremy Ashford Tue 28 Aug - 16:55

Happy Burthday to us, to Ev, to Heather, to Tony.

It is still two weeks off the eighth anniversary of my registration with the forum. I was a slow starter but did catch up with all but Ev, in numbers of posts, although I know that my involvement has slacked since the fb groups became primary venue for discussion of the commercial potteries at least.

I still feel like a jonny-come-lately though. The forum was fully formed when I arrived. It has just got bigger, with more galleries, more members, and a lot of questions answered along the way. Those first two years must have been hard work and I'm sorry not to have been part of that. Since then it has been slow and steady and even if we never get to know everything Crown Lynn I think the race is pretty much won, Ev.

Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Happy 10th Birthday to Us !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Empty Re: Happy 10th Birthday to Us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post  Hannele Tue 28 Aug - 17:34

Happy birthday, everybody. This is an awesome group, full of wonderful information and supportive members. Thank you all for having me around! Very Happy :narna: :wave: :bowdown:

Number of posts : 702
Registration date : 2018-02-03

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