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Montrose Pat No. 612

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Montrose Pat No. 612 Empty Montrose Pat No. 612

Post  JanPots Sun 2 Sep - 18:19

I see montrose is not in the gallery... I have a saucer that i will upload a photo later.
Opps.. .
Sorry team..   I've had this a while and only posting it now.
It's an old one, with the washband and gold backstamp.
Called Montrose 412
Montrose Pat No. 612 20180912
Montrose Pat No. 612 20180911

Number of posts : 2158
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Montrose Pat No. 612 Empty Re: Montrose Pat No. 612

Post  Ev Thu 6 Sep - 9:37

Excellent Janice and I've never seen this one before!!

We are giving the Patterns Gallery a good kick in the backside at the moment
and we are on a roll. More in cyber space to come Twisted Evil

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Montrose Pat No. 612 Empty Montrose

Post  Thelma Wed 12 Jun - 19:43 found myself eating off a Montrose side plate on Monday. Took a photo to see if it was in the Gallery and it is, only the backstamp is a bit different, as my photo clearly shows gold and black stamp.Montrose Pat No. 612 Img_2010
Montrose Pat No. 612 Img_2011

Number of posts : 490
Location : Canterbury, NZ
Registration date : 2010-04-23

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Montrose Pat No. 612 Empty Re: Montrose Pat No. 612

Post  Ev Thu 13 Jun - 8:07

Thanks Thelma, as I've updated the number from 412 to 612.
Sometimes the numbers are so hard to make out, but your photo shows them clearly.
I appreciate your help with fine tuning Smile

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Montrose Pat No. 612 Empty Re: Montrose Pat No. 612

Post  DaveW Sun 6 Oct - 14:36

I have a six setting set of this pattern. It is comple except one of the saucers is broken. The rest is in excellent condition {was my mother's best dinner set, only used at Christmas}. I have been trying to get a valuation for it, but have not found any information on it.


Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2019-01-21

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Montrose Pat No. 612 Empty Re: Montrose Pat No. 612

Post  Ev Sun 6 Oct - 14:42

Well there aren't a lot of these dinner sets around to compare sales.
It was made in the early 1960's and that blue washband dates it to before patterns like the famous Autumn Splendour.
Full Crown Lynn sets can fetch up to $500 in popular or sought after patterns, but I wouldn't like to guess what yours is worth Dave.
Perhaps contact a well known auction house.
Good luck and how wonderful Very Happy

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Montrose Pat No. 612 Empty Re: Montrose Pat No. 612

Post  DaveW Sun 6 Oct - 16:52



Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2019-01-21

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