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Chef needs some help

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Chef needs some help Empty Chef needs some help

Post  johnhorsfall Mon 10 May - 13:48

Hi all I am new to this site,
What I am looking for is someone to help me out ether sell me or lend me three or four plain triangular plates Small border no motif They can be black or white with no mark or blemishes.
I am wanting the plates for a Chocolate dessert contest I am entering.
A sample of the dessert will be offered to the kind person who sells me or lends to me the plate I need .
I would need the plates for one week only .
I am a student of patisserie at AUT city.
Thanks John Horsfall 09 4822279

Number of posts : 1
Location : Auckland
Registration date : 2010-05-10

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Chef needs some help Empty Re: Chef needs some help

Post  HeatherT Mon 10 May - 20:01

Would love to help if I had them...please post a pic of the finished product when you do it!! Very Happy

Number of posts : 873
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Interests: : Crown Lynn animals, swans and vases
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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