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Studio Ceramics swan song

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Studio Ceramics swan song Empty Studio Ceramics swan song

Post  TonyK Sun 5 May - 7:04

I bought this swan last week from the shop at the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney last week. The shop stocked three or four Studio Ceramics Crown Lynn retro pieces when the company was still operating but somehow this one piece had survived since then. It is whiter and heavier than Crown Lynn swans I have owned and larger than the "medium" swans by other manufacturers.

Studio Ceramics swan song Dscn7610

Studio Ceramics swan song Dscn7611

Studio Ceramics swan song Dscn7612

I spoke to Chris Harvey about the Crown Lynn closure about 16 years ago to ask about surviving archives and Crown Lynnalia for a publication I'd started working on while the company was still in operation. My uncle was a friend of Sir Tom's and both he and Tom thought there'd be limited interest in CL history. At the time Tom was described as "fairly hands off" and was in declining health. My uncle was quite protective of him and was skeptical that there'd be a book in the history of a dying business. Some years after I talked to Chris Harvey there was much discussion about Studio Ceramics' production of its retro range countered by an awareness that Chris was believed to have known more about ceramic copyright than anyone else in New Zealand at the time. The situation developed in various directions since then.

Number of posts : 653
Location : Sydney Australia
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Studio Ceramics swan song Empty Re: Studio Ceramics swan song

Post  Ev Sun 5 May - 13:18

Is that a Studio Ceramics sticker on the base or a stamp Tony?

Number of posts : 17955
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Studio Ceramics swan song Empty Re: Studio Ceramics swan song

Post  TonyK Sun 5 May - 15:45

A slightly blurred or smudged stamp.

Number of posts : 653
Location : Sydney Australia
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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