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» Shape 15 in use
All of the Galleries are playing up !!  Thank goodness they have resolved this problem now !! EmptyYesterday at 6:53 by Ev

» Titian on the base of this Urn Style Vase that was made by Crown Lynn
All of the Galleries are playing up !!  Thank goodness they have resolved this problem now !! EmptyFri 6 Dec - 12:31 by Ev

» Does anyone know who LS is please? LS is Lisa Simpson
All of the Galleries are playing up !!  Thank goodness they have resolved this problem now !! EmptyThu 5 Dec - 6:30 by Ev

» The Grand Old Duke of Crown Lynn
All of the Galleries are playing up !!  Thank goodness they have resolved this problem now !! EmptySun 1 Dec - 19:11 by Ev

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All of the Galleries are playing up !!  Thank goodness they have resolved this problem now !! EmptySat 30 Nov - 15:48 by Ev

» Marae possible motif on Mode Pattern Plate
All of the Galleries are playing up !!  Thank goodness they have resolved this problem now !! EmptySat 30 Nov - 11:03 by Ev

» Authenticity of Crown Lynn Swan?
All of the Galleries are playing up !!  Thank goodness they have resolved this problem now !! EmptyThu 28 Nov - 12:47 by Ev

» Shape 41 filled with roses
All of the Galleries are playing up !!  Thank goodness they have resolved this problem now !! EmptyTue 26 Nov - 15:24 by Ev

» Starburst and Sentinel Brown advert
All of the Galleries are playing up !!  Thank goodness they have resolved this problem now !! EmptyTue 26 Nov - 15:19 by Ev

All of the Galleries are playing up !! Thank goodness they have resolved this problem now !!

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All of the Galleries are playing up !!  Thank goodness they have resolved this problem now !! Empty All of the Galleries are playing up !! Thank goodness they have resolved this problem now !!

Post  Ev Thu 11 Jul - 18:04

How frustrating and scary is it to find things are all haywire in the Galleries  What a Face
I contacted Forumotion yesterday about our problems, but haven't heard back from them yet.
I would guess that this is a servimg problem, which is out of our control.
I have had to reload the Galleries 3 times in the last 11 years and I hope I don't have to do it ever again.
Please cross your fingers everyone I love you

Last edited by Ev on Sat 13 Jul - 7:46; edited 2 times in total

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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All of the Galleries are playing up !!  Thank goodness they have resolved this problem now !! Empty Re: All of the Galleries are playing up !! Thank goodness they have resolved this problem now !!

Post  JanPots Thu 11 Jul - 18:37

All my fingers are crossed 👍

Number of posts : 2158
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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All of the Galleries are playing up !!  Thank goodness they have resolved this problem now !! Empty Re: All of the Galleries are playing up !! Thank goodness they have resolved this problem now !!

Post  Thelma Thu 11 Jul - 21:41

I was trying to access galleries too, but will try again when it is hopefully fixed.

Number of posts : 490
Location : Canterbury, NZ
Registration date : 2010-04-23

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All of the Galleries are playing up !!  Thank goodness they have resolved this problem now !! Empty Re: All of the Galleries are playing up !! Thank goodness they have resolved this problem now !!

Post  Ev Fri 12 Jul - 8:51

This was just posted on Forumotion:


It is indeed a general problem on the forums. Thank you for reporting it to us.

we will do what is necessary to correct it as soon as possible"

Plus this comment :

"this looks like a global issue, i will open a ticket about this to inform our technicians
As soon as we know something more I will inform you

sorry for the inconvenience"

Now I just have to keep my britches on and be patient and see what the outcome is Shocked

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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All of the Galleries are playing up !!  Thank goodness they have resolved this problem now !! Empty Re: All of the Galleries are playing up !! Thank goodness they have resolved this problem now !!

Post  Ev Sat 13 Jul - 7:46

The Galleries are all back and looking very beautiful to my eyes cheers

So thankful and very grateful to the IT people on Forumotion I love you

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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